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目的对不同层次娱乐场所的女性商业性工作者进行艾滋病干预并对干预效果进行评价和分析,为今后不同娱乐场所采取不同的干预措施提供科学依据。方法采取分层抽样方法,将娱乐场所分为高、中、低档三个层次,以外展服务的方式到这些娱乐场所对女性性工作者开展艾滋病干预活动,同时使其在干预前和干预后的1个月分别填写调查问卷,以便了解其在干预前后的艾滋病防治知识知晓率、使用安全套的态度以及相关行为改变情况,对干预效果进行评价。结果通过对女性性工作者的干预,提高了该人群对艾滋病防治知识的知晓率,促进了其使用安全套的态度和相关行为的转变。该人群艾滋病防治知识总体知晓率由干预前49.4%上升到77.0%(x~2=12.6,P<0.05);最近一次安全套的使用率由干预前的61.7%上升到87.8%(x~2=13.8,P<0.05);最近三次安全套的使用率由干预前的64.5%上升到82.4%(x~2=9.0,P>0.05);以上差异均有统计学意义。结论通过外展服务的方式对娱乐场所的女性性工作者进行高危行为干预,可以有效的提高她们的艾滋病防治知识和安全套的使用率,但娱乐场所档次不同干预效果也不同。 Objective To evaluate the HIV/AIDS intervention among female commercial sex workers at different levels of entertainment venues and to evaluate and analyze the effects of interventions, so as to provide scientific evidence for different interventions to be taken in different entertainment venues in the future. Methods A stratified sampling method was adopted to divide the entertainment venues into three levels: high, medium and low-end, and to provide HIV services to female sex workers at these entertainment venues. At the same time, it was used before and after intervention. One month each questionnaire was filled out to understand the awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment before and after intervention, the attitude of using condoms, and the related behavior changes, and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Results Through the intervention of female sex workers, the awareness of the population about AIDS prevention and control knowledge was improved, and the attitude of using condoms and the change of related behaviors were promoted. The overall awareness rate of AIDS prevention knowledge in the population increased from 49.4% to 77.0% (x~2=12.6, P<0.05), and the rate of use of the last condom increased from 61.7% to 87.8% (x~2= 13.8, P<0.05); The use of condoms in the last three sessions increased from 64.5% before intervention to 82.4% (x~2=9.0, P>0.05); the above differences were statistically significant. Conclusion High-risk behavioral interventions for female sex workers in entertainment venues through outreaching services can effectively improve their HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge and condom use rates, but the effect of different interventions on the level of entertainment venues is also different.
目的 尝试建立狂犬马匹免疫新程序,进一步提高抗狂犬病免疫血浆的效价.方法 通过对抗原性质、佐剂类型、油佐剂和Al佐剂抗原注射顺序、针次间和程次间时间间隔等免疫关键环节
M1伽兰德步枪的争议  美国陆军于1936年采用0.30英寸口径的M1伽兰德步枪作为制式步枪,成为世界轻武器发展史上的一个划时代事件。M1伽兰德步枪是美军装备的第一种半自动步枪,其在之后的二战以及朝鲜战争期间均作为美军的主要战斗步枪使用,在战场上发挥了巨大作用。尽管M1伽兰德步枪在后来的多次战争中证明了自己的价值,并赢得了当之无愧的荣誉,但其在采用之后至美国正式加入二战之前的这一段时间,美国国内对
介绍了电力行业信息系统主机的安全现状、防范背景以及防护要求,并详细阐述了两大操作系统的安全加固方法以及注意事项。 This paper introduces the security status quo,
SKS的诞生  虽然有很多资料都表明SKS半自动步枪是西蒙诺夫在1943年开始设计的,但其实早在1941年,西蒙诺夫就已经提交了至少2种发射中间威力枪弹的半自动卡宾枪的设计,所发射的枪弹均为7.62×41mm口径,而且其中一种还通过了初步测试和超过50项野战试验。然而在1941年6月22日纳粹德国开始入侵苏联,随着德军占据了越来越多的地方,许多工厂不得不迁移到别处,这就拖延了西蒙诺夫半自动卡宾枪的
介绍了500 kV瓶窑变在GIL管道拆除、改造施工过程中存在的SF6气体排放的问题,介绍了大规格回收处理管道内原有的SF6气体的过程,总结了施工中应注意的安全问题及落实的措施.