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新中国成立50周年大庆时,北京举行了规模宏大而隆重的阅兵式,部队以英勇的姿态,整齐的步伐通过天安门,显示了中国人民解放军成武雄壮、无比强大的力量,震惊了世界,受到全国各族人民的称赞,增强了对人民军队的信赖,以有这样强大的军队而自豪。“……建国五周年阅兵给这次阅兵奠定了基础……”这是在庆祝新中国成立50周年盛典时中央电视台解说词中的一句话,我听到后深深陷入对往事的回忆中。因为我有幸参与建国五周年阅兵部队的训练工作。新中国成立后,部队开始了正规化、现代化建设。为国庆五周年,中央决定举行阅兵式,以振国威,也是检阅部队五年正规化建设的成果。这是新中国成立后的第一次阅兵式,军委非常重视,令齐齐哈尔市第七步兵学校参加,学校决定 When the 50th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China was held in Beijing, Beijing held a grand and grand parade. The troops marched through Tiananmen Square in a heroic manner. This shows that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is a powerful and powerful force that has stunned the world. The praises of the people of all ethnic groups across the country have increased their trust in the people’s army and are proud of having such a mighty army. “... ... the founding of the fifth anniversary of the founding of the foundations laid the foundation for the parade ... ” This is a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of New China CCTV commentary words, I heard deeply deeply into memories of the past in. Because I am fortunate enough to participate in the training of parade troops on the 5th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. After the founding of New China, the armed forces began to regularize and modernize. For the fifth anniversary of the National Day, the central government decided to hold a parade to boost state power and also the result of reviewing the five-year normalization of the armed forces. This is the first military parade after the founding of New China. The Central Military Commission attaches great importance to the participation of the 7th Infantry School in Qiqihar City. The school decided
分 类 号论 文 题 名作 者期号起始页A849论邓小平的爱国主义和集体主义思想孙 元 32 2 4D6 48.3;D92 3.2 拾金不昧的道德与法律—《物权法 (草案 )》热点问题的探讨
空中威胁正在加强 由于技术的进步,所有陆军部队所面临的空中威胁在质量上有所提高。敌方试图在战斗的整个阶段通过空中侦察、空袭和空降赢得主动并保持行动自由。1991年的海