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教育好了再组织,还是组织起来受教育,这是少年儿童组织的两种不同方针。后者是符合儿童生理、心理特点的正确方针。历史的回顾从1949年10月建队以来,队组织的发展工作经历了几个阶段。1955年前建队初期阶段,队组织发展缓慢。1955年时仅有队员一千万,只占队龄儿童的百分之十三;当时全国五十万所中、小学,只有十五万六千所建立了队的组织。发展缓慢的主要原因,是团组织对少先队工作缺乏应有的重视,辅导员对队的性质认识有误解,不能正确认识和对待儿童,旧的教育思想严重存在。1955年5月,在党中央的亲切关怀下,团中央制定了“积极地、大量地发展的方针”。经过大力宣传,其后的十年间,队组织不断发展壮大,多数中、小学校建立了少先队 Education is better organized, or organized education, which is two different guidelines for children's organizations. The latter is in line with children's physiological and psychological characteristics of the correct approach. Historical Review Since the establishment of the team in October 1949, the team's development has undergone several stages. Before 1955 the initial stage of establishing a team, team organization developed slowly. In 1955 there were only 10 million members and only 13% of the children of the age group. At that time, only 150,600 primary and secondary schools in the country had only 156,000 establishments. The main reason for the slow development is that CYL organizations lack due attention to the work of Young Pioneers, counselors have misunderstandings about the nature of the team, and can not correctly understand and treat children. The old education thinking is seriously existent. In May 1955, under the cordial concern of the Party Central Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League formulated the “policy of active and extensive development.” After vigorous publicity, the next ten years, team organizations continue to grow and develop, most of the primary and secondary schools established the Young Pioneers
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