Vibrational characteristics of piping system in air conditioning outdoor unit

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zy197855
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The modal analysis of piping system in air conditioner (AC) outdoor unit is essential to investigate the vibration properties of the system. In view of the growing significance of numerical finite element (FE) model for vibration behaviour prediction, the AC piping elastic end support characterization has been explored. The axial and radial stiffness variables (ka, kr1, kr2) of the compressor-piping mounting are obtained and represented by dynamic stiffness of compressor grommet. They are obtained from dynamic load deflection test based on compressor operating condition such as excitation frequency and amplitude. The unknown stiffness variables of the other tube end (chassis-piping mounting) are determined by parameter fine tuning. An experimental modal analysis using impact hammer test has also been employed to determine the vibration properties such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratio of the piping structures. The modal parameters acquisition using SCADAS mobile acquisition system and LMS Impact Testing software is compared with the corresponding simulated modal properties using Abaqus. Most of the simulated natural frequencies achieve good correlation with the measured frequencies and it is reasonably a good prediction model to predict vibration behaviour of AC piping structures. The modal analysis of piping system in air conditioner (AC) outdoor unit is essential to investigate the vibration properties of the system. In view of the growing significance of numerical finite element (FE) model for vibration behavior prediction, the AC piping elastic end support The axial and radial stiffness variables (ka, kr1, kr2) of the compressor-piping mounting are obtained and represented by dynamic stiffness of compressor grommet. They are obtained from dynamic load deflection test based on compressor operating condition such as The unknown stiffness variables of the other tube end (chassis-piping mounting) are determined by parameter fine tuning. An experimental modal analysis using impact hammer test has also been employed to determine the vibration properties such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratio of the piping structures. The modal parameters acquisition using SCADAS mobile acq uisition system and LMS Impact Testing software is compared with the corresponding simulated modal properties using Abaqus. Most of the simulated natural frequencies achieve good correlation with the measured frequencies and it is reasonably a good prediction model to predict vibration behavior of AC piping structures.
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一个女性,几年前找到一个各方面都非常优秀的男朋友。大家纷纷认为这个女孩配不上男孩。但几年下来,俩人的感情越来越好,马上要步入婚姻殿堂。有好事儿的朋友玩笑般问她:“是用什么手段让这么个好男人为你死心塌地的?”  她大大咧咧回答:“没什么,就是让他多请我吃饭,多给我买礼物,时间长了,他觉得在我这儿已经花了不少钱,当然不舍得换人了。”  她回答得巧妙,大家也哈哈一乐并不当真,我却觉得这个女孩倒是提供了一