Decoration of disclinations by solidification-induced band texture and focal-conic texture for a low

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beauty85123
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Two decoration techniques, solidification-induced band texture decoration and focal-conic texture decoration, have been established to exhibit the director field of disclinations in a low-molar-mass methacrylate liquid crystal. The disclinations with strength s=1/2 and s=±1 are observed by the two decoration methods. For the solidification-induced band texture decoration, the molecular orientation is perpendicular to the direction of the band. While for focal-conic texture decoration, it has been proved by the results of IR dichroism that the direction of the director is parallel to the direction of the focal-conic. Therefore, the sketch map of the molecular director filed can be mapped according to the morphological pattern of the solidification-induced band texture or focal-conic texture. Two decoration techniques, solidification-induced band texture decoration and focal-conic texture decoration, have been established to exhibit the director field of disclinations in a low-molar-mass methacrylate liquid crystal. The disclinations with strength s = 1/2 and s = For the solidification-induced band texture decoration, the molecular orientation is perpendicular to the direction of the band. While for focal-conic texture decoration, it has been proven by the results of IR dichroism that the direction of the director is parallel to the direction of the focal-conic. Thus, the sketch map of the molecular director filed can be mapped according to the morphological pattern of the solidification-induced band texture or focal-conic texture.
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