Effect of Mineral Oil on the Mechanical Properties and Fractographs of Fe_3(Al,Cr,Zr) Intermetallic

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Linuxy
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The effect of mineral oil on the mechanical properties and fractographs of Fe3(Al,Cr,Zr) in termetallic alloy has been investigated. The results show that the tensile ductility of the Fe3(Al,Cr,Zr) alloy tested in oil is comparable with the results obtained in oxygen and is in sensitive to strain rate. The fracture mode of the Fe3(Al,Cr,Zr) alloy treated at 700℃/1.5 h and tested in oil, is cleavage and with dimples in some areas. The effect of mineral oil on the mechanical properties and fractographs of Fe3 (Al, Cr, Zr) in termetallic alloys has been investigated. The results show that the tensile ductility of the Fe3 (Al, Cr, Zr) alloy tested in oil is comparable The fracture of the Fe3 (Al, Cr, Zr) alloy treated at 700 ° C / 1.5 h and tested in oil, is cleavage and with dimples in some areas.
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