Direct Algorithms for Steady-State Solution of Long Slender Marine Structures

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mkms2080
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The steady state solution of long slender marine structures simply indicates the steady motion response to the excitation at top of the structure.It is very crucial especially for deep towing systems to find out how the towed body and towing cable work under certain towing speed.This paper has presented a direct algorithm using Runge-Kutta method for steady-state solution of long slender cylindrical structures and compared to the time iteration calculation;the direct algorithm spends much less time than the time-iteration scheme.Therefore, the direct algorithm proposed in this paper is quite efficient in providing credible reference for marine engineering applications. The steady state solution of long slender marine structures simply indicates the steady motion response to the excitation at top of the structure. It is very crucial especially for deep towing systems to find out how the towed body and towing cable work under certain towing speed. paper has presented a direct algorithm using Runge-Kutta method for steady-state solution of long slender cylindrical structures and compared to the time iteration calculation; the direct algorithm spends much less time than the time-iteration scheme.Therefore, the direct algorithm proposed in this paper is quite efficient in providing credible reference for marine engineering applications.
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