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Carver could not sleep very well on hot nights,and the nights were very hotjust now.He lived in a house near a big building.Men worked in the building allnight.Carver never understood their work.They left all the windows openbecause it was hot.They never spoke quietly.They always made a lot of noise.Carver often went to the police to ask them to stop the noise in the building.The police did their best,but they could never find the owner of the place.Hewas never there when the police went in.So the noise never stopped,and no one Carver could not sleep very well on hot nights, and the nights were very hotjust now .He lived in a house near a big building.Men worked in the building allnight.Carver never understood their work.They left all the windows openbecause it was hot They never spoke quietly.They always made a lot of noise.Carver often went to the police to ask them to stop the noise in the building.The police did their best, but they could never find the owner of the place .Hewas never there when the police went in.So the noise never stopped, and no one
刘勰曾说过:“登山则情满于山,观海则意溢于海。”这句话充分说明了情感因素的重要性。在我们的语文教学中,利用现代教育技术创设悦耳、悦目、悦心的情境,不仅能架设学生与课文之间感情的桥梁,而且能使学生透过文章的字里行间,领悟到课文深层的美的内涵。  一、运用现代教育技术创设情境——感悟语言  1.画面铺垫,激情促学  现代教学技术是教师进行教学的重要辅助手段,是促进学生学习的先进工具。现代媒体能创设美景
It’s two o’clock in the morning,and youcan’t sleep.You want something to eat anda magazine to read.You don’t want to talk toa clerk in a convenience store.
专家们将对两具木乃伊进行 DNA 测试以破解一个世纪谜题:埃及历史上最著名的法老之一——图坦卡蒙是否真的有皇族血统?埃及文物最高委员会负责人加巴拉赫·阿里·加巴拉赫说
本文报道一种新光束其发散角和光束中心功率密度均优于CO2激光基模。 This paper reports that a new beam has a better divergence angle and center power density than tha