Investigation of Cultural Difference between China and Western Countries on Gift-giving Etiquette

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  Abstract:In order to reduce the misunderstandings and conflicts in intercultural communication, this thesis will provide suggestions on gift-giving for China and Western countries, by further analyzing the differences between Chinese and Western gift-giving etiquette and the reasons of differences from diverse aspects such as cultural roots, religious beliefs, values, social customs and habits.
  Keywords: gift-giving, cultural differences, intercultural communication, Chinese and Western countries
  1.Cultural Difference of Gift-giving
  1.1 Values of the Gift
  In China, gift-giving plays a very important role in people's life. Most Chinese people are not good at expressing their feelings in public, so gifts, naturally, it becomes a great media for expressing emotions. In Western countries, however, especially the United States, the value of gifts is far less important than the meaning of gifts. There is a saying in China: "The gift itself may be light as a goose feather, but sent from afar, it conveys deep feeling."
  1.2 Purposes of Gift-giving
  There are significant differences in the purposes of gift-giving between China and the West. Generally speaking, the purpose of Chinese gifts is stronger than that of Westerners. For Westerners, however, they focus on the act of giving a gift itself and the symbolic meaning of the gift. Instead of giving gifts to strengthen interpersonal relationships, westerners often give gifts as a token of their sincere gratitude and thanks for the help they have received from others.
  1.3 Ways of Gift-giving
  The way of gift-giving is also different in Chinese and Western cultures. In China, giving gifts in public is inappropriate because it makes people think you are bribing. Every gift must be given in person and privately, otherwise the receiver will be angry and think you look down on him. In the West, however, gifts are usually given in public places. When they receive a gift, Westerners will open it on the spot and speak highly of it. Different from Chinese, some westerns will not cut the price tag and Americans will attach the shopping receipt with the gift together.
  2.the Reason Analysis of Diversity
  2.1 Origins of Cultures
  In the deep-rooted ideas of Chinese culture, Confucianism is always appreciated. In the content of gifts, Chinese people pay attention to the value of gifts, and they will not give too cheap gifts. This is not the case in the West. Westerners are independent and extroverted. They believe that everyone should be self-reliant, so too valuable gifts are not popular in the West, but will cause unnecessary trouble.   2.2 Religious Belief
  In China, Buddhism is the mainstream religion, followed by Taoism. Christianism plays an important role in Western countries. As a result, Christmas has become the most important and grandest festival for Westerners. For Westerners who believe in Christianism, special attention should be paid to giving gifts and avoiding cross when wrapping gifts.
  2.3 Values
  Many differences between Chinese and Western cultures stem from differences in values. Chinese culture belongs to collectivism culture, while western culture is the representative of individualism culture. Contrary to Chinese culture, the West advocates individualism. In life, Westerners pursue freedom and human rights and advocate "all human beings are born equal". At the same time, it also explains why there are few gifts from subordinates in Western countries.
  3. Suggestions for Gift-Giving in Intercultural Communication
  3.1 Conforming to Local Customs/Practices
  In order to avoid misunderstandings and contradictions, we must make full preparations in advance to understand the local customs, ethnic taboos and personal taboos of the recipients. In different countries, the same gift has different meanings, so it is necessary to understand the symbolic meaning of the gift, such as meanings of religions, colors, quantities, etc.
  3.2 Sending Suitable Gift
  First and foremost, we should have a good understanding of different countries’ gift-giving etiquette and avoid taboos. Then, choose some unique gifts that the receiver likes and wants.
  3.3 Paying Attention to Relationships and Occasions
  When giving gifts, we should choose different gifts according to different degrees of relationships. At the same time, when we choose and send gifts, we should attach importance to different occasions. For example, Americans like to give gifts to each other during holidays. Generally speaking, most gifts are practical, and not too expensive.
  Different from Chinese traditional cultures, western countries are greatly influenced by Christianism and individualism which they pursue free thought, human rights, equality and democratic values. As a result, gift-giving is to express gratitude and thanks, renew and enhance friendships.
  [1] Aafke E. Komter. (2005). Social Solidarity And The Gift. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 47-48.
  [2] Cele Otnes, Richard Francis Beltramini. (1989). Gift Giving: A Research Anthology. Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 3-7, 99-121.
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