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由甘肃武威地区农科所引进的美国针叶豌豆新品种,去年在武威市、古浪县部分乡村示范种植,获得成功,表现良好,具有不同于当地豌豆品种的诸多优良特性,值得在适宜区大力推广种植。1生长势强产量高针叶豌豆株高60厘米左右,田间长势旺盛,平均单株有效结荚125个,? A new American needle-leaf pea variety introduced by the Agricultural Science Department of Wuwei Prefecture in Gansu province was successfully planted last year in some villages in Wuwei and Gulang County. It performed well and has many excellent characteristics that are different from those of local pea varieties. Promote planting. 1  Strong growth potential Yield Needle pea plant height of about 60 cm, the field grows strong, the average effective plant pods 12  5,?
血源乙肝疫苗注射所致的不良反应,极为少见,1989年3月至9月,我们对全区8岁以下儿童及部分成年人进行预防按种。其中有5例出现不良反应。现报告如下。 Adverse reactions ca