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“下得了厨房,上得了课堂;做得了蛋糕,讲得了故事;教得了奥数,讲得了语法;改得了作文,做得了小报;懂得了琴棋,会得了书画;搜得了攻略,找得了景点;提得了行李,拍得了照片;想得了创意,搞得了活动;挣得了学费,付得了消费。”日前,这则被称为“当妈新标准”的顺口溜在网上走红,引发不少妈妈的吐槽,有人戏称其为“十八得了超级妈妈”。一些年轻妈妈对照这一标准,大呼压力山大,要求“减负”。对此,专家表示这些“负担”并无必要,年轻妈妈不要舍本逐末追求一些表面化的技能,最重要的是给孩子温暖和力量,这才是好妈妈的核心“技能”。 “Got the kitchen, got on the class; done the cake, told the story; taught the Austrian number, spoke grammar; changed the composition, did the tabloid; know the piano, will get the calligraphy and painting; ; Got the baggage, photographed photos; think creatively, made activities; earn tuition, paid for spending. ”“ Recently, this is known as ”when the new standard mother “ jingle became popular online, causing Less mother Tucao, some people jokingly called ”eighteen had a super mother.“ Some young mothers control the standard, shouting pressure on the mountains, requiring ”burden reduction “. In this regard, experts say these ”burden “ is not necessary, young mothers do not want to end by pursuing some superficial skills, the most important thing is to give children warmth and strength, this is the heart of a good mother ”skills ".
作文是综合表现考生知识视野、认知水平、审美品位、思维能力和文字表达能力的重要方式,因此,它成为中小学语文考试题的重要组成部分,从笔者收集到的2009年中考语文试卷看 C
下面是笔者收集的含有man的几条谚语,以飨读者。1.Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。2.Many men,many minds.十个人,十条心。3.Like master,like man.有其主必有其
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临床资料:1. 本组病例均为我科治疗的门诊病人,共100例,年龄均在60岁以上,男66人,女34人。80岁以上者46人,松动基牙92个,残冠34个。2. 处理方法:尽可能保留松动基牙,利用其
10余年来我们根据美国学者硝酸钾是一种治疗牙髓炎的有效药物的报道采用硝酸钾盖髓术治疗早期牙髓炎取得较为满意疗效现介绍如下1 材料 硝酸钾别名土硝火硝分子式KNO3分子
没有人事先了解自己到底有多大的力量,直到他试过以后才知道。———[德]歌德多数人都拥有自己不了解的能力和机会,都有可能做到未曾梦想的事情。 No one knew in advance h