
来源 :广西经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuaileyt
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解读:随着中国一东盟自由贸易区的建成,广西与东盟贸易发展增势良好。广西积极拓宽与东盟国家多角度、深层次合作,培植和拓展东盟需求的新增长点,为双边贸易关系健康发展奠定基础;加大经济转型升级力度,提高国内产业竞争力,大力推动资金与技术密集型产业发展,形成与东盟错位竞争格 Interpretation: With the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the trade between Guangxi and ASEAN has enjoyed a good growth. Guangxi actively broadens the multi-angle and deep-level cooperation with ASEAN countries and fosters the new growth point of ASEAN’s demand so as to lay the foundation for the sound development of bilateral trade relations; intensify efforts in economic restructuring and upgrading, increase the competitiveness of domestic industries, and vigorously promote capital and technology Intensive industrial development, the formation of a gap with ASEAN competition