
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SHIWENBEI
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The conjoint occurrence of follicular, sebaceous, or apocrine differentiations in a cutaneous adnexal neoplasm is a known event, more often encountered in benign neoplasms, whereas reports of cutaneous malignant adnexal tumors with bilineage or trilineage differentiation are few. A new case of a cutaneous malignant adnexal neoplasm with multidirectional differentiation is reported here. A 57-year-old woman presented with a long-standing, slowly growing, asymptomatic solitary tumor the size of a large nut in the coccygeal area,whichwas surgically excised. Ten years after the surgery, there was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis. Microscopically, the neoplasm was located in the dermis with focal extension into the subcutis. It was asymmetric, horizontally oriented, and mostly composed of small nodules that varied in shape from round and oval aggregations to elongated strands and irregular islands; the nodules were either clustered, formed a jigsaw puzzlelike pattern or were dispersed. The nodules were composed of small basaloid cells sometimes intermixed with larger cells with ample cytoplasm forming glandular structures. Rare nodules resembled elements seen in a spiradenoma by containing scattered lymphocytes and globules of hyalinized eosinophilic basal membrane material. The stroma was paucicellular, but focally it resembled that seen in perifollicular mesenchyme. Mitotic figures, including abnormal ones, were infrequent, but mild nuclear pleomorphism, nuclear crowding, and individual cell necrosis were easily appreciable in both small basaloid cells and cells with clear cytoplasm. Perineural invasion was apparent. We classified this tumor as a well-differentiated adnexal carcinoma demonstrating combined follicular and apocrine differentiation. It differs from previously published cases of malignant adnexal tumors with multidirectional differentiation and further exemplifies the spectrum of diversity encountered in malignant proliferations with differentiation toward the folliculosebaceous-apocrine unit. The conjoint occurrence of follicular, sebaceous, or apocrine differentiations in a cutaneous adnexal neoplasm is a known event, more often encountered in benign neoplasms, whereas reports of cutaneous malignant adnexal tumors with bilineage or trilineage differentiation are few. A new case of a cutaneous malignant A 57-year-old woman presented with a long-standing, slowly growing, asymptomatic solitary tumor the size of a large nut in the coccygeal area, whichwas surgically excised. Ten years after the surgery, there was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis. Microscopically, the neoplasm was located in the dermis with focal extension into the subcutis. It was asymmetric, horizontally oriented, and mostly composed of small nodules that varied in shape from round and oval aggregations to elongated strands and irregular islands; the nodules were either clustered, formed a jigsaw puzzlelike pattern or were disperse d. The nodules were composed of small basaloid cells sometimes intermixed with larger cells with ample cytoplasm forming glandular structures. Rare nodules resembled elements seen in a spiradenoma by containing scattered lymphocytes and globules of hyalinized eosinophilic basal membrane material. The stroma was paucicellular, but focally it resembled that seen in perifollicular mesenchyme. Mitotic figures, including abnormal ones, were infrequent, but mild nuclear pleomorphism, nuclear crowding, and individual cell necrosis were clear appreciable in both small basaloid cells and cells with clear cytoplasm. Perineural invasion was apparent. We classified this tumor as a well-differentiated adnexal carcinoma demonstrating combined follicular and apocrine differentiation. It differs from previously published cases of malignant adnexal tumors with multidirectional differentiation and further exemplify the spectrum of diversity encountered in malignant proliferations with differentiationtoward the folliculosebaceous-apocrine unit.
黄芪为豆科多年生草本药用植物,别名绵芪。具有补气状脾胃、固表止汗、利水退肿、排脓等功效,医用价值很高,需求量较大。株高约60~90厘米的根入药。主要病虫害 Astragalus Le
2001年4月28日,是张建荣永远难忘的日子。 这一天,张建荣作为全国“五一劳动奖章”获得者的代表之一,在中南海怀仁堂受到了江泽民总书记等党和国家领导人 April 28, 2001 i
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