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以市民风俗题材而闻名的维米尔,是荷兰最伟大的画家之一。他的作品以普通的生活场景为对象,于平凡中见真美,画面温雅、宁馨,给人以静穆、唯美的感受。从他的画面中,我们不仅可以窥见荷兰市民那种对洁净环境和优雅舒适氛围的喜好,而且结实的形体、简洁的画面结构、明朗和谐的色调都传达出了维米尔卓尔不群的艺术才华。维米尔的绘画作品极具真实性,但除了日常生活中的真实之外,更给人一种信仰上的真实感。他的画面中,光线并不是太充足,却给人以鲜亮、明朗之感,虽然缺乏深刻的社会内容,但是画面中所传达出来的平实情感却可以起到净化人类心灵的作用。 Vermeer, best known for his civic customs, is one of the greatest Dutch painters. His works take ordinary life scenes as objects, and see extraordinary beauty in commonplace. The pictures are warm and elegant, giving people a quiet and beautiful feeling. From his pictures, we can not only see the Dutch people’s preference for a clean environment and elegant and comfortable atmosphere, but also the strong body, the simple picture structure and the bright and harmonious colors convey the unique artistic talent of Vermeer. Vermeer’s paintings are very authentic, but in addition to the real life, but also gives a sense of faith in the real. In his picture, the light is not sufficient, but it gives a bright and clear feeling. Although it lacks deep social content, the plain emotion conveyed in the picture can purify the human mind.
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