
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longzhi2009
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An acetate-tolerant mutant of Escherichia coli DH5α,DA19,was used for secretory production of hu- man epidermal growth factor(hEGF)whose expression was under the control of phoA promoter.The recombinant cells were cultured in a chemically defined medium,and glucose was added at different specific provision rates during the growth and expression phases.It was found that pH had a significant effect on the extracellular hEGF production.The extracellular hEGF concentration was 75.5mg·L-1 ,5.2-fold of the level reached at pH 7.0,even though more acetate was produced.Nitrogen source was limited in the later growth phase.Supplementation of am-monium promoted the consumption of phosphate and reduced the time to exhaust phosphate,but the extracellular hEGF production was similar to that without supplementation of ammonium. An acetate-tolerant mutant of Escherichia coli DH5α, DA19, was used for secretory production of hu-man epidermal growth factor (hEGF) whose expression was under the control of phoA promoter. Recombinant cells were cultured in chemically defined medium, and glucose was added at different specific provision rates during the growth and expression phases. It was found that pH had a significant effect on the extracellular hEGF production. The extracellular hEGF concentration was 75.5 mg · L-1, 5.2-fold of the level reached at pH 7.0, even though more acetate was produced. Nitrogen source was limited in the later growth phase. Supplementation of am-monium promoted the consumption of phosphate and reduced the time to exhaust phosphate, but the extracellular hEGF production was similar to that without supplementation of ammonium .
<正> 解无理方程时,验根的一般方法是直接将求得的根代入原方程进行验算。当原方程和根都较简单时,此法是好的;可是当原方程和根不那么简单时,应用此法往往要作复杂的计算,其
解无理方程的最后步骤是验根,这一点毫无疑问.那么,究竟如何验根却存在一些问题.让我们首先观察下面的例题,然后追根问底.例 解无理方程2x+x-1=5.解法1 移项得2x-5=-x-1,两边平方得 4x2-20x+25=x-1,4x2-21x+26=0,( The final step
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