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大师在守“旧”中赢得了世人的尊重……新时期以来,外来艺术引进的油画艺术在中国取得了令人瞩目的发展,油画已经成为当今中国文化领域的重要内容。从上世纪90年代初开始,由于中国经济飞速发展使国力大增,随着艺术市场的兴起产生了国内的收藏群体。艺术品价格和作品流通呈现兴旺景象,大大促进了中国油画的进一步发展和普及,不但壮大了艺术的队伍,也使油画艺术进入千家万户,形成良性循环的势态。中国油画过去几十年的发展,证明了一个真理:改革是需要的,只有创新才能发展。然而,中国油画到底需要什么样的创新?所有热衷于提倡创新理论的人,大多数都是一些喜欢折腾不太安分的人。画家要改革创新,什么样的创新才是合适的?在怎么样的情况下,中国油画还需要引进什么样的 The master won the respect of the world in keeping “old” ... Since the new era, the art of oil painting imported from foreign art has made remarkable development in China. Oil painting has become an important part of the Chinese culture today. Since the early 90s of last century, the rapid growth of China’s economy has greatly increased its national strength. As a result of the rise of the art market, domestic collections have emerged. The prices of works of art and the circulation of works present a thriving scene, which has greatly promoted the further development and popularization of Chinese oil painting. It has not only strengthened the ranks of the arts, but also enabled the oil painting art to enter into tens of thousands of households and formed a virtuous circle. The development of Chinese oil painting over the past few decades has proved the truth that reform is needed and that innovation can develop. However, what kind of innovation does Chinese oil painting really need? Most of the people keen to advocate innovative theory are those who do not like tossing too much. What kind of innovation is suitable for the painter to reform and innovate? Under what kind of circumstances, what kind of Chinese oil painting still need to be introduced?
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