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2003年7月18日上午,禄丰县人民政府副县长胡浩在工作人员的陪同下,到县档案局(馆)进行调研指导工作。在听取了县档案局(馆)领导的工作汇报后,胡副县长到档案库内实地查看了馆藏情况,并对档案馆人员配备,馆藏档案数量、内容、门类载体、设施等方面的情况都一一作了详细的了解,他 On the morning of July 18, 2003, Hu Hao, deputy county chief of the People’s Government of Lufeng County, accompanied by staff members, went to the County Archives Bureau (Museum) for investigation and guidance. After hearing the work report of the county archives bureau, the deputy magistrate Hu went to the archives to inspect the collection situation in the field and analyzed the staffing of the archives, the number of archives, contents, categories of carriers and facilities All one by one made a detailed understanding of him