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青藏高原是世界最高的高原。这片神秘的雪域高原,平均海拔4000米上,号称“世界屋脊”。那里的阳光最明亮,那里的空气最纯净,那里的一切都有着大手笔的恢宏气势,那里是千万人魂牵梦萦的向往之地,那么,背上您的行囊,请跟我来吧! The Tibetan Plateau is the highest plateau in the world. This mysterious snow-covered plateau, an average of 4,000 meters above sea level, known as the “roof of the world.” Where the sunshine is the brightest, where the purest air, where everything has a generous magnificent momentum, there is the dream of thousands of people longing for the place, then back your luggage, please come with me!
雨中的情韵,雨中的风姿,盘山暮雨,几多娇媚,几多迷离。 Feelings in the rain, the grace of the rain, Panshan Muyu, how charming, how many blurred.
HONGLUO Monastery was founded about 1,600 years ago. This Buddhist monastery is located in Huairou County 50 kilometers from Beijing. Since 1993, it has been o
几个血气方刚的大学生,兴之所致徒手攀山,朝云暮霭,惊险迭生。他们就像几只蚂蚁,在锯齿状的刀刃上爬行…… Just a few blood gas Fang Gang students, due to Hing hand cl
The legend surrounding the tomb of Jiangn(?) is well-known throughout Suizhong County, Liaoning Province. During the reign of Emperor Shihuang of the Qin Dynas
七月,我从西北高原拾回一串甜美的记忆,闪烁着奇异的光彩。那艰苦与壮美烧结出的粒粒珍珠,叫我倍加珍爱。 金黄:拉卜楞寺主旋 破晓,从兰州出发。午后,即到达甘南藏族自治州
大约在公元前6000年至前2000年的新石器时期,中国先民们曾创造了种种灿烂的文化,其中最具代表性的是仰韶文化、冯家窑文化和龙山文化。 1928年,在山东章丘龙山镇,首次发现了
Many recent archaeological studies have proven that the earliest blue and white porcelain was produced from the kiln in Gongxian County, Henan Province in the