Organic photovoltaic cells with copper(Ⅱ) tetra-methyl substituted phthalocyanine

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuliangaihui
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Efficient heterojunction organic photovoltaic(OPV) cells are fabricated based on copper tetra-methyl phthalocyanine(CuMePc) as donor and fullerene(C60) as acceptor. The power conversion efficiency of CuMePc/C60 OPV cell(2.52%) is increased by 88% compared with that of the non-peripheral substituted copper phthalocyanine(CuPc)/C60 OPV cell(1.34%). The introduction of methyl substituent leads to stronger π–π interaction of CuMePc(~ 3.5 A) than that of CuPc(~ 3.8 A). The efficiency improvement is attributed to the enhanced carrier mobility of CuMePc thin film(1.1×10 3cm2/V·s) and better film morphology by introducing methyl groups into the periphery of CuPc molecule. Efficient heterojunction organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells are fabricated based on copper tetra-methyl phthalocyanine (CuMePc) as donor and fullerene (C60) as acceptor. The power conversion efficiency of CuMePc / C60 OPV cell (2.52%) is increased by 88% compared to The introduction of methyl substituent leads to stronger π-π interaction of CuMePc (~3.5 A) than that of CuPc (~3.8 A) with that of the non-peripheral substituted copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) / C60 OPV cell . The efficiency improvement at attributed to the enhanced carrier mobility of CuMePc thin film (1.1 × 10 3 cm 2 / V · s) and better film morphology by introducing methyl groups into the periphery of CuPc molecule.
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