借鉴广东经验 加快百色发展

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新春伊始,自治区党委书记曹伯纯、自治区主席陆兵率广西党政代表团踏上了南粤大地,兴起了广西学习广东的新高潮。“他山之石可以攻玉”。此次赴粤一个十分重要的目的,就是学习广东在推进改革开放和现代化建设、发展社会主义市场经济中的先进经脸和成功做法,并对照广西各地及各部门的工作,结合各自实际,学以致用,把各项工作做得更好、更主动、更有成效,真正达到“借粤兴桂”的目的。 At the beginning of the new year, Cao Bochun, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, and Lu Bing, the chairman of the autonomous region, led the party and government delegations in Guangxi to embark on the land of southern Guangdong and set off a new upsurge in Guangxi’s study of Guangdong. “Stones from other hills, can learn”. This very important purpose of going to Guangdong is to learn from Guangdong’s advanced experience and successful practices in advancing the reform, opening up, modernization and the development of a socialist market economy. In accordance with the work of various localities and departments in Guangxi and their own respective fields, So as to make every effort to do a better job, to be more active and effective, and to truly achieve the purpose of “borrowing Guangdong and Guangxi.”
Far-field blooming, a serious far-field dependence on driving current, affects the stability of beam quality and applications of broad-area(BA) diode lasers. In
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Photothermal/photoacoustic(PT/PA) spectroscopy provides useful knowledge about optical absorption, as well as the thermal and acoustical properties of a liquid