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  Ding Nong, Chairman of the Board of COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers Co., Ltd. : “Actively responding to the Belt and Road Initiative, our company has achieved success in many aspects of its operation: shipments through the ‘Arctic Silk Road on Ice’ have been ritualized; green energy in LNG tank containers has been shipped to thousands of households by specialized cargo freighters; general cargo ship ‘Tian Fu’ rescued the female sailboat racer (Susie Goodall) in distress... these exciting achievements show that the company’s sustainable development can only be realized by fulfilling its social responsibility, maintaining the dynamic balance among the enterprise, society and environment, and establishing a good corporate reputation and image.”

突破瓶颈 走出创新之路


苦练内功 赢得海外市场

  货运技术中心成立后,制订了各类货物装卸和绑扎标准,统一了港口船长工作规范,推进货运技术的标准化、制度化、规范化和可操作化。2014年7月,发布了《货运技术汇编》,把常用的技术要点、事故案例、经验技巧等编成册,为方便快捷完成各种运输方案打下基础。针对公司存在的预配环节薄弱,没有合适的配载软件,配载图制作落后这一货运管理短板,货运技术中心通过向竞争对手学习,引进了Microsoft Visio 软件,量身定做了30条重吊船的VISIO配载图。随着技术标准化和团队水平提高,对外方技术依赖的局面得到了彻底扭转。

2016年11月2日,中远海运特運永盛轮首航南极仪式在上海举行The launching ceremony for maiden voyage of COSCO Vessel YONGSHENG to the Antarctic is held in Shanghai, on November 2, 2016(中远海运特运 供图)



  要实现领跑,人才是关键。特运货运技术中心成立以来,货运技术中心团队的数量、质量都在不断提升,从创建之初的16人,到现在的37人,另有12名骨干人才在国内外关键岗位为公司船队提供货运技术支持。与此同时,港口船长的数量也在不断增加,并通过与DNV GL等资源较为优质的公司建立了港口船长外包渠道,不断补充和储蓄队伍力量。“只要不是船舶硬件的局限,竞争对手能做的、敢做的,我们都能做到,特别是在海上平台DP整体安装方面,我们的成功案例比竞争对手多,市场评价也比竞争对手好。“重吊船方面,我们的团队正处于向高级阶段爬升的上升期,在市场上我们极具竞争力。”蔡连财对自己的团队充满自信。
  Vessels of COSCO SHIPPING successfully sailed through the “Arctic Silk Road on Ice” to open a new route for Asia-Europe trade.
  COSCO SHIPPING Specialized Carriers Company (COSCO SHIPPING Specialized for short) shipped gigantic towers for offshore wind turbines for the first time.
  COSCO SHIPPING Specialized broke the world record for the heaviest cargo installed by a semisubmersible ship with DP (dynamic positioning) technology, and several other world records as well.   The heavy-lift ships of COSCO SHIPPING Specialized pioneered a new service model of“installation + transportation + installation.”
  In recent years, COSCO SHIPPING Specialized has given top priority to the company’s main feature, specialized carrier service, and adhered to a scientific and innovative approach for its development. Through increasingly deepening its exploration of the rules of the market, industry and corporate management, the company has gradually eliminated inefficient and outdated production capacity, and increased the proportion of high-added-value cargo in its shipments, to continuously enhance its carrying capacity, revitalize and optimize internal resources, and to further release the energy for highquality development. By sticking to this high-quality development strategy that prioritizes advanced technology, COSCO SHIPPING Specialized has successfully taken the three great leaps of “following, catching up and leading”on the international shipping market, and completed the transformation from a “general cargo fleet based on special cargo vessels” to a “multi-purpose fleet based on specialized carriers”, from “being a system integrator in the specialized transport market” to “being a leading international service provider of engineering logistics”.

Breaking through the bottleneck and blazing a path of innovation

  Before 1998, shipping companies in developed western countries monopolized the transport market for special cargos with extreme height, size, length, weight or width. The large amount of heavy equipment imported by China from abroad was almost carried by foreign shipping companies. The Chinese companies not only had to spend a lot of money on the equipment, but also pay for very high shipping costs. In 1998, the COSCO SHIPPING Specialized began to enter the special cargo transport market. However, due to its weak foundation of freight technology, the operational efficiency turned out to be unsatisfactory. In 2002 and 2003, the company introduced into its fleet the new type of semi-submersible ships “Taiankou” and “Kangshengkou”. However, in the first few years, the profitability of these semi-submersible ships was very weak because they were highly dependent on foreign companies for technical support ranging from making transportation plans to arranging the port captain and engineering technicians. A transportation plan would cost several hundred thousand dollars, and the wage standard of port captains and engineering technicians was also very high.   The company realized that the management of freight technology for special cargo, which plays a critical role in the entire transportation service chain, had become a major bottleneck for the company to exploit the transport market for marine engineering equipment and heavy cargo. Moreover, the company also understood that the scale and quality of the freight technology team had become an increasingly important factor for high-end customers to choose the carrying vessels for their cargo. Therefore, the company decided that improving its freight technology management and expanding its freight technology team was vital for realizing the company’s strategic goals.
  In order to break through the bottlenecks in the transportation of heavy cargo and achieve the strategic goals, the company has persisted with the strategy of employing the most advanced technology and blazed a unique path of innovation by striving to enhance its freight technology and seeking industrial leadership while constantly adjusting the structure of its fleet.
  With the accelerating structural upgrade of its fleet, in June 2011, the company integrated its resources in the three modules of freight technology, port captain and transportation supervisor, and mobilized its key technical personnel and skilled technicians to establish the first freight technology center of an Asian shipping company. The center is responsible for devising loading and unloading plans, planning load distribution, supervising loading and discharging and so forth, with a strong emphasis on providing professional technical support for loading, discharging and transporting marine engineering products, complete sets of equipment and heavy cargo. The freight technology team is led by Cai Liancai, one of the “top ten youths of outstanding work performance in COSCO Group” and an excellent captain of semi-submersible ship with experience of more than ten years. The company also introduced a multitude of professionals specializing in naval architecture and/or marine engineering as an important effort to strengthen its capacity of engineering technology.
  Cai Liancai, the general manager of the company’s freight technology center, said: “The freight technology center includes three modules: engineering technology, port captain and dangerous cargo supervisor. The engineering technology personnel formulate the transportation plan; the port captain is responsible for on-site command and execution; the dangerous cargo supervisor provides technical instructions for handling special cargo. The top priority of the freight technology center right after its operation was to build technological literacy and utilize the technology in coordination. On the one hand, technical manuals of freight technology were distributed to the staff ship by ship; on the other hand, transportation information is shared within the technology team and even among the operational departments and ship management departments, so that the freight technology can be used comprehensively and collaboratively. For example, the engineering technicians who formulate the loading and unloading plans shall consult the port captain about the feasibility of the plans; the port captain who has developed a loading and discharging plan needs to ask the technicians to calculate the data of wind flow, and to evaluate the ship’s hardware capability. We worked together to devise plans, share technical knowledge, and accumulate mutually complementary practical experience, thus improving the entire team’s capabilities quickly.”

Winning the overseas market through strenuously cultivating the company’s “inner strength”

  After the establishment of the freight technology center, handling and lashing criteria for various types of cargo were formulated, and work specifications of the port captain were unified in order to promote the standardization, institutionalization and operationalization of freight technology. In July 2014, the center released The Collection of Freight Technology, which compiles commonly-used technical key points, accident cases, practical experience and skills into a booklet, laying the foundation for the staff to execute various types of transportation plans conveniently and efficiently. Aiming to overcome the company’s weaknesses in stowage planning and freight management, mainly, the backward stowage planning process and lack of proper stowage planning software, the freight technology center has learned from the competitors and introduced Microsoft VISIO software, enabling its technicians to tailormake VISIO stowage plans for all of the company’s 30 heavy-lift ships. With standardized technology and the rapidly growing competency of the technical team, the company’s previous reliance on foreign technical support has been eliminated completely.
  In the field of semi-submersible ships, in June 2014, the semi-submersible ship Xiangruikou successfully installed an extra-heavy large oil platform with DP (dynamic positioning) technology for the first time, setting a number of new world records for the heaviest side-rolling cargo carried by a 50,000-ton semi-submersible ship, the heaviest cargo installed with DP technology, and setting a few new records in other categories. In 2017, the freight technology center independently devised the technical plan for semi-submersible ship“Xinguanghua” to carry “Hope 6”, the company’s first cylindrical cargo weighing more than 30,000 tons, creating double records for the heaviest single piece of cargo and for the largest volume of cylindrical cargo in the history of the company’s semi-submersible fleet.
  In terms of heavy-lift ships, great progress has been made in the hoisting and securing technology of heavy cargo. For example, in 2014, the company completed the transportation and installation of the 566-ton LPG tanks, and successfully developed and employed the 24-meter, 700-ton lifting beam built with ultra-high-strength steel.
  As regards the breakthroughs in full logistics technology, from 2011 to 2016, the company completed the full logistics and end-to-end transportation of the equipment, materials and heavy cargo needed for the construction of the two 300,000-kilowatt nuclear power plants in Pakistan. That was also the company’s first full logistics project, involving the ocean shipping of multiple items of high-demand heavy cargo and road transport of 1200 kilometers.   “Good wine needs no bush, and beautiful flower lacks no flavor.” With enhanced freight technology and better service, the brand effect of the company has offered tremendous support to the expansion of its overseas client base. Chen Feng, the general manager of the company’s marketing center, said:“At the beginning of 2013, the company began to get in contact with the wind power giant VESTAS, but the transportation plan of its cargo must be approved by a technology consulting company entrusted by the shipper. Therefore, the freight technology team continuously refined the transportation plan. From version A at the beginning to version L at the end, a total of 12 versions were developed and finally,they won the first shipping contract with VESTAS for three ship loads of wind power equipment with a total volume of 100,000 cubic meters. After experiencing our prudently devised transportation plan, professional on-site supervision and other high-quality services, VESTAS has growing trust for us and opened its doors for further cooperation. Similarly, with high-standard professional performance, COSCO SHIPPING Specialized won the contracts with well-known wind power enterprises such as Siemens, GAMESA and Xinjiang Goldwind Sci & Tech Co., Ltd. afterwards. In recent years, the company’s wind power cargo shipments have exceeded one million cubic meters each year.”

From trying to catch up with the world’s firstclass shipping companies to being the pioneer of industrial innovation

  Cai Liancai, the general manager of the freight technology center, told the reporter: “In the past eight years, the team of the transportation technology center has kept catching up with the world’s first-class shipping companies, challenging technical limits, setting new records, and establishing classic cases in the fields of semisubmersible ships and heavy-lift ships. In terms of some certain technologies, the team has even surpassed its competitors and become a true leading runner who focuses on making technological breakthroughs in major projects, overcoming technical challenges, and keeping on setting new records in the shipping industry.” Then, he proudly listed several major projects that his team spearheaded in recent years: in August 2014, the company set the new record of one heavy-lift ship carrying seven complete RTG machines on a single voyage; in January 2016, heavy-lift ship Da An safely unloaded a 650-ton tugboat at the port of Buenos Aires in Argentina, creating the record of heavy-lift ship lifting and carrying a single piece of cargo weighing over 600 tons; in the Yamal project, the largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in the Arctic, the company’s semi-submersible ship not only took the maiden voyage of the project modules, but also carried the heaviest module of the project, successfully overcoming the challenge of using SPMT to laterally roll a module of 6,500 tons off the ship; during the YAMAL project, the team assisted the company in winning the module shipping service contract for the TCO project, the world’s largest oil and gas development project. In the meantime, the company focuses on technological innovation and has successfully designed and developed the heavy-duty lifting beam with leading technology in China, effectively breaking through the technical bottlenecks in fields such as “transportation plus installation”, and achieving new leaps in technical support for China’s shipping industry.   To be the leading runner in freight technology, high-quality technical personnel is the key. Since the establishment of the freight technology center, both the quantity and quality of its team members have been continuously on the rise. The number of them has grown from 16 to 37, with another 12 key technicians working in critical positions at home and abroad to provide freight technology support for the company’s fleets. The quantity of port captains is also increasing, and at the same time, the company has established the port captain outsourcing channels with companies that have premium resources such as DNV GL, continuously replenishing the team and accumulating human resources for it. “As long as we are not bound by hardware limitations of the carrying vessels, we are fully capable of doing whatever our competitors are capable of doing or feel confident enough to challenge. Especially when it comes to the complete installation of offshore platforms with DP (dynamic positioning) technology, we have far more successful cases than our competitors, and our client reviews are also much better. Cai expressed full confidence in his team, “In the field of heavylift ships, our team is currently climbing up toward the advanced stage, and we are very competitive in the market.”
  General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “If China wants to achieve prosperity and rejuvenation, it needs to devote great energy to promoting science and technology.” He also noted that “Core technology cannot be obtained by ‘begging alms.’ We must rely on our own hard work.” Looking back on development course of COSCO SHIPPING Specialized, we can see its major transformations from hiring foreign technicians at great cost to make technical plans, to devising the plans completely on its own; from relying on others for technologies, to becoming a leading runner in the shipping industry. The company has achieved great successes and vigorous growth through keeping the initiative in its own hands, relying on its own efforts and working with great diligence and stamina. The company’s relentless efforts in developing its freight technology are paying off tremendously and will continuously offer powerful support for the strategic development of it.
  At the second Belt and Road Forum for International Co-operation, President Xi Jinping emphasized in his speech: “Going ahead, we should focus on priorities and project execution, move forward with results-oriented implementation, just like an architect refining the blueprint, and jointly promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.” The author believes that the quality-oriented development path of COSCO SHIPPING Specialized is exactly a meticulous blueprint of the“Maritime Silk Road” drawn with great ingenuity and entrepreneurship.
摘要:在当前经济运行的背景下,超大规模市场优势已成为我国新的比较优势。其具有的巨大经济功能和战略意义,是升级我国经济全球化的重要依托。利用好大规模市场的比较优势,我国将积极发展创新经济并尽快建成创新驱动型国家。本文旨在从制度创新促进超大规模市场优势形成的角度提出建议。  关键词:超大规模市场:比较优势:制度创新  2019年11月5日,第二届中国国际进口博览会在上海举行,国家主席习近平出席开幕式并
新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。  白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。  时间的列车抵达2020年了。  这是具有重要意义的特殊一年,是全面建成小康社会和“十三五”规划收官之年、决胜之年;是實现第一个百年奋斗目标,书写人类发展伟大传奇的一年。  回望刚刚走过的2019年,国内外环境及经济下行压力严峻复杂,风险和挑战明显上升。但“中国经济是一片大海,而不是一个小池塘。”中国经济以强大的韧性与潜力,不惧
人物名片  梅立,男,49岁,九三学社社员,1992年同济医科大学医学专业毕业,到四川省人民医院参加工作至今。主要擅长富颈疾病及宫、腹腔镜的手术治疗,现任四川省人民医院妇产科生殖内分泌专业组长。中国援佛得角第17批医疗队队员,并任2016年-2018年援佛得角医疗队队长。  “这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是整个医疗队的荣誉。”每当谈起获得“全国援外医疗工作先进个人”称号时,梅立总是谦虚地表示这份荣誉属
摘要:新中国成立70年来,掌握了自己命运的四川人民,在中国共产党的坚强领导下,实现了从“蜀道难”到“西部陆海新通道”的70年交通建设发展跨越,这是四川人民谱写的现代立体交通建设的辉煌篇章。  关键词:立体交通;跨越;现代化  一  “噫吁嚱,危乎高哉!蜀道之难,难于上青天!”诗仙李白的一首《蜀道难》,既道尽了四川人的愁苦,也成为罩在四川人身上的魔咒。四川、四川,四面是山。东有华中屋脊神农架挡道,南
图书是文化的重要载体,5000年中华文明沃土,诞生了无数传世经典。而在世界面临百年未有之大变局的当下,中国奇迹的背后藏有什么秘密?世界如何看待中国?中国又如何与世界沟通?中国文化如何更好“走出去”?解码这一切的秘密就隐藏在古老的文字中,承载在一本本著作之上。11月16日,在成都举行的2019年“一带一路”文化产业国际合作论坛暨翻译及国际版权合作研讨会上,参会嘉宾纷纷支招。  曾经缺失的认知  “国
The global economy is facing both expanding opportunities and rising challenges, including the increasing gap in financing needed for development worldwide. The United Nations Development Programme ho
“一带一路”是面向全球的开放倡议,其核心是践行国际版的共同富裕,先富带后富,实现共同繁荣发展。2013年以来,“一带一路”建设成果丰硕,在合作共赢共同发展共同富裕上取得长足进步,但也存在一些不平衡问题。为破解这一问题笔者提供以下建议:  第一,加大对亚、非“一带一路”相关国家的直接投资力度,推动“一带一路”合作转型升级。中国近年来向“一带一路”相关国家和地区注入了大量的资本,但直接投资存量明显少于
國际形势风云激荡,世界正经历百年未有之大变局。  面对不断蔓延的保护主义和逆全球化风潮,面对何去何从的重大抉择,中国以负责任大国的有力担当,推动共建“一带一路”高质量发展,推动全球治理体系朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,成为世界乱象中的中流砥柱。  坚持方向引领,推动构建人类命运共同体——秉持共商共建共享原则,倡导多边主义,推动各方各施所长、各尽所能,通过双边合作、三方合作、多边合作,聚沙成塔、积水成
In September 2018, Senegal’s President Macky Sall, stood beside Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 2018 Forum on China- Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to support the adoption of the Beijing Declaration T