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如何创造一个反映我们有效学习认知的教育环境?如何将教育重点从“教”转向“学”,从而更好地服务学生?不列颠哥伦比亚省政府授予了学校一项使命,即要求皇家大学要适应不断变化的世界和劳动力的实际需求。为方便学习者,皇家大学采用学生的短期住宿学习和长期在线学习相结合的混合教学模式,努力为学生营造一个真实、实用、综合的学习环境。皇家大学的教育使命、教学基本框架、教学理念、教学特色等是大学所有教学项目(学分和非学分项目)的共同基础,这一基础对于培养富有热情、坚决、自信的终身学习者是非常重要的,它使学习者融入志趣相投的巨大网络,自信地解决复杂而现实的问题,从而使得大学形成了真实生活、真实学习的办学特色。“,”How do we create educational environments that reflect what we know about effective learning? How do we shift the focus from teaching to learning to better serve our students now and in the future? RRU(Royal Roads University) is given a mandate from the government of British Columbia to respond to the emerging needs of a changing world and workforce. To provide a flexible and accessible learning experience for these professionals, most programs at RRU are delivered through a combination of short-term residencies and longer terms of online study. As well, the authors describe Educational Mandate, and illustrate Foundational Frameworks, and examine the teaching philosophy, and provide Flexible Access to programs for all RRU programs including both credit and non-credit programs. This foundation is central to producing citizens of the world who are passionate, determined, and confident lifelong learners, integrated into a broad network of like-minded learners, and who can confidently manage and resolve complex, real life problems. Therefore, real life and real learning have been University-Tunning characteristics in RRU.
《大江周刊》是江西日报社主办的一份面向国内外读者的新闻周刊,江西唯一新闻综合类主流杂志,以“主流思维多元视角百姓情怀”为办刊宗旨。 “Dajiang Weekly” is a news w
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