
来源 :中国诗歌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangtingzhi2009
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霍俊明认为在九十年代以来的叙事诗学和戏剧性现实的双重影响下,更多的诗人以超强的“细节”和“叙述”能力,对身边的“事物”予以绘声绘色又煞有介事的抒写。这样写作范式的好处可能就是内心找到了客观或虚拟的物象予以对应,其缺陷则是导致了过于贴近原生景观和社会百态的放血和拟真化写作的泛滥。与此同时,这种黏稠的缺乏性情观照和超拔想象力提升的写作方式,正在成为新世纪以来的诗歌“美学”。汤养宗近年的诗歌则很少有“事物之诗”的冲动,恰恰相反,他在反方向中走向了智性探险意义上的“迷人深渊”。 According to Huo Junming, under the double influence of narrative poetics and dramatic reality since the 1990s, more poets have painted their own “things ” with super “detail ” and “narrative ” Also describe the funeral. The advantage of such a writing paradigm may be that an objective or virtual image has been found in the center, and its flaw has led to the proliferation of bloodletting and phonetic writing that is too close to the original landscape and social conditions. At the same time, such a sticky lack of temperament and super-imaginative ways of writing is becoming the poem “Aesthetics ” in the new century. In recent years, Tang Yangzong’s poems rarely have the impulse of “poem of things”. On the contrary, he has moved in the opposite direction to the “mysterious abyss” in the sense of intellectual expedition.
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没有根的感觉,对一个香港的读书人来说,总有一种失落感。这种怀旧的文化,对一个人的人文修养来讲,如果没有对自身成长是有影响的  家学渊源得正宗国学心传,受教台湾成功大学外语系后,又负笈英伦取西学真经,其后返港在报界浸淫多年,兼有报人、文人、学人的身份,一路走来,董桥已然成为香港文化的一个标杆性人物——香港文化中的中西合璧、传统与现代兼备的特质在他身上得到了很好的表达。  在访谈中,董桥以一个文化守望
案情简介 1996年1月12日原告崔继文在南京市泰山镇桥北村租赁土地,开办观赏金鱼养殖场,被告李家全、杨敏参与经营。1997年元月,崔、李、杨3人签订协议:“崔投资开办的渔场,
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