
来源 :黑龙江纺织 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengmiaoli
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我省纺织工业是建国后发展起来的一门新兴行业,多年来在解决人民衣着需求、出口创汇、为国家提供积累方面做出了重大贡献.但是,近些年来,在由传统的计划经济向社会主义市场经济转轨的过程中,纺织行业也遇到了前所未有的困难.造成这些困难的原因是多方面的,但是其中重要的一条就是:纺织企业创新意识差,技术开发能力低.今年初,国家和省经贸委正式启动的“技术创新工程”,应该说抓住了纺织行业处于困境的要害.下面针对我省纺织行业实施技术创新工程谈点粗浅的认识.一、“不创新就死亡”这是市场经济条件下的定律市场经济的本质在于竞争.市场经济两个最基本的原则:一是竞争原则;二是利润原则.在市场经济环境中,企业只有参与竞争,不断地向市场提供适销对路、质优价廉的产品和服务,并获得相应的利润,企业才能生存和发展.而技术创新作为一种不断追求卓越、追求进步、追求发展的理念,则是根据市场经济的两个基本原则,通过引导企业把握市场机会和技术机会,以技术变革培育新的经济增长点,以向市场提供更新更好的产品来增强企业的竞争能力.可以说企业的创新能力 The textile industry of our province was a new industry developed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It has made significant contributions to solving the needs of people’s clothing, earning foreign exchange through exports, and providing accumulation for the country. However, in recent years, the traditional planned economy has In the process of transition of the socialist market economy, the textile industry has also encountered unprecedented difficulties. The reasons for these difficulties are many, but one of the important ones is: textile companies have poor awareness of innovation and low technological development capabilities. Early this year, the state The “Technological Innovation Project” formally launched by the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission should be said to have caught the key points of the textile industry in difficulties. The following discussion of the province’s textile industry to implement technical innovation projects is a superficial point. First, “not to innovate and die” It is the law under market economy conditions The essence of market economy lies in competition. The two most basic principles of market economy are: the first is the principle of competition; the second is the principle of profit. In a market economy environment, enterprises only participate in competition and continue to provide marketable marketability. With respect to roads, quality and cheap products and services, and corresponding profits, companies can survive and develop. And technological innovation The concept of continuously seeking excellence, pursuing progress, and pursuing development is based on the two basic principles of the market economy. It guides enterprises to grasp market opportunities and technological opportunities, and nurtures new economic growth points through technological changes, so as to provide updates to the market. Better products to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. It can be said that the company’s ability to innovate
BASF实施一项促进其在全球汽车化学品业增长的战略,其中包括燃料添加剂、致冷剂和刹车液等。该公司今后几年的目标是:销售量将以两位数字增长。为此,他在中国上海组 BASF i
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