Automatic Approach to Ontology Evolution Based on Change Impact Comparisons

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciscohd
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Ontology evolution is the timely adaptation of ontologies to changing requirements, which is becoming more and more important as ontologies become widely used in different fields. This paper shows how to address the problem of evolving ontologies with less manual case-based reasoning using an automatic selection mechanism. An automatic ontology evolution strategy selection framework is presented that automates the evolution. A minimal change impact algorithm is also developed for the framework. The method is shown to be effective in a case study. Ontology evolution is the timely adaptation of onologies to changing requirements, which is becoming more and more important as ontologies become widely used in different fields. This paper shows how to address the problem of evolving onologies with less manual case-based reasoning using an automatic selection mechanism. An automatic ontology evolution strategy selection framework is presented that automates the evolution. A minimal change impact algorithm is also developed for the framework. The method is shown to be effective in a case study.
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