
来源 :食品科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssaifengchen
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前言高营养膳食系指高热量、高脂肪、高蛋白的膳食而言。充足的热量与蛋白质的全百平衡膳食,无疑对保证人体的正常生长发育,增进体力与智力的发展,提高机体抵抗力,降低发病率,病死率与死亡率,延长人类寿命,保障与提高劳动效率等是完全必要的。但如营养过剩或配膳不当,即会带来不利影响,如原发性肥胖病、高血压、高血脂、冠心病等,在经济发达国家己屡见不鲜。近年来,不少调查表明,冠心病在我国日趋增多,严重危害着各类人群的健康。为探索其主要发病因素,结合我国实际情况,进一步了解饮食与发病的关系,我们选择了长期进食高热量、高蛋白、高动物脂肪的人群,进行了较全面的冠心病发病因素的调查,着重分析饮食因素在血脂与冠心病发病中的作用,以便对我国防治冠心病的工作提供依据。调查表明在高营养膳食的_人群中,确有高血压、高血脂、高冠心病患病率的三高现象。分析发病因素,膳食中过多的饱和脂肪酸以及多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸的比值(P/S)过低,为促进发病的主要因素。 Introduction Highly nutritious meals are high-calorie, high-fat, high-protein meals. Adequate heat and protein, a hundred balanced diet, no doubt to ensure the normal growth and development of the human body to enhance physical and mental development, improve the body’s resistance, reduce morbidity, mortality and mortality, extend human life expectancy, protection and improve labor Efficiency is absolutely necessary. However, such as overnutrition or improper diet, which will have adverse effects, such as primary obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, have been common in economically developed countries. In recent years, many surveys show that coronary heart disease is increasing in our country, which seriously endangers the health of all kinds of people. To explore its main risk factors, combined with the actual situation in China, to further understand the relationship between diet and disease, we have chosen long-term consumption of high-calorie, high protein, high animal fats, conducted a more comprehensive survey of the incidence of coronary heart disease, focusing on Analysis of dietary factors in the pathogenesis of blood lipids and coronary heart disease in order to provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease in our country. The survey showed that in the high-nutrition diet _ population, indeed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high prevalence of coronary heart disease three high phenomenon. Analysis of risk factors, dietary excess of saturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acid ratio (P / S) is too low, to promote the incidence of the main factors.
P6及其系统许家环姜华英特尔推出第六代pentium-pentium120MHz(百万赫兹)芯片,该产品是速度最快、最新型的Pentium处理器。Pentium120MHz适用于低电压的33伏环境,其速度为第一代Pentium60MHz处理的两倍,... P6 and its system Xu Jiahuan
读到这两封书信的时候,窗外正是北京初冬的细雨蒙蒙地下着。办公室里的嘈杂,多日以来内心的浮躁,不知是被这冬雨还是被这长信轻轻地抚平,异常宁静。 再次读这些往日的字字句
问:我怀孕7个月后,医生对我说,已进入了围产期,要注意保健。请问什么叫围产期保健?沐阳颜玉英答:围产期是指怀孕后期到产后的某一时间为止的特定时期。具体分类方法有 Q: S