合理配置卫生资源 构建和谐医患关系

来源 :当代江西 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iours
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保障人民群众健康,是促进社会和谐的重要保证。我们要以科学发展观为指导,深刻认识卫生事业在统筹经济社会发展、陶建社会主义和谐社会中的重要地位和作用。要始终把维护人民群众的健康权益放在首位,把提高人民群众健康水平作为卫生事业改革与发展的核心,合理配置卫生资源,实现地区之间、城乡之间卫生事业协调发展,加强农村和社区卫生工作,满足城乡居民的基本医疗服务需求;加强重大疾病防治,减少传染病对人民群众健康的威胁;加强卫生行风建设,建设和谐的医患关系,为构建和谐社会、建设和谐江西作出贡献。 Safeguarding the health of the people is an important guarantee for promoting social harmony. We must take the scientific concept of development as a guide to profoundly understand the important role and role of the health undertaking in coordinating economic and social development and building a socialist harmonious society. We must always put the protection of the health rights and interests of the masses in the first place, and regard raising the health level of the people as the core of the reform and development of the health industry. We must rationally allocate health resources, realize the coordinated development of health undertakings between regions and between urban and rural areas, and strengthen rural areas and communities. Health work to meet the basic medical service needs of urban and rural residents; strengthen the prevention and treatment of major diseases, reduce the threat of infectious diseases to the health of the people; strengthen the construction of sanitary travel, build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients, and contribute to building a harmonious society and building a harmonious Jiangxi .
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我学了4年的钢琴,毛病很多:练琴时不抓紧时间,没有掌握科学的触键方法等。我的钢琴成绩越来越退步,还埋怨妈妈太啰嗦。因为每次我在练琴的时候,妈妈总会在我耳朵旁唠唠 I le
一张优秀的唱片封面不仅具备独立的审美意识,能映射出音乐和音乐家的独特内涵,同样也可以记录一段历史。  1960年代,波普艺术风潮在英美等地迅速发展起来,影响了生活的方方面面,唱片也不例外。1966年的唱片《地下丝绒与妮可(The Velvet Underground & Nico)》可谓摇滚乐历史上一张划时代的经典之作,不仅因它是地下丝绒乐队(The Velvet Underground)的处女专
平时下去征收,经常听到一些纳税人、特别是个体纳税户反映说:“不怕缴税,怕的是不给个“说法”,为啥缴,为啥加,得让咱心里明白。”。 细一琢磨,纳税人这种要个“说法”的要