
来源 :石河子农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a1234578
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本文试从广义冻害出发,提出了小麦冻伤的概念,并对冻伤及其分级标准问题进行了探讨。根据麦苗受冻与否的形态特征,将麦苗越冬鉴定分为:无冻害,轻冻伤,重冻伤,冻死四级。提出了分级标准,分别用O、Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ表示,进而便于分类,统计,数理分析,利于监测。提出麦苗冻伤是有害的。防御麦苗冻死,首先要防御麦苗冻伤。有冻害的年份和地区,在麦苗群体中,存在着冻伤的过渡类型;在严重冻害区和非冻害区域之间,存在着冻伤的过渡地带,此间麦苗会有较多的冻伤现象。早春,加强麦田管理,能促使一部分冻伤的麦苗恢复生机,而不良的农艺措施和恶劣的气象因素能加剧冻伤和死亡。 Based on the generalized frost damage, this paper proposed the concept of wheat frostbite, and discussed the problems of frostbite and its grading standards. According to the morphological characteristics of wheat germ frozen or not, the winter wheat germination identification is divided into: no frost damage, light frostbite, heavy frostbite, freeze dead four. Proposed classification criteria, respectively, O, Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, said, and then facilitate the classification, statistics, mathematical analysis, which is conducive to monitoring. Proposed wheat frostbite is harmful. Defensive wheat germ freeze, first of all to defensive wheat frostbite. In the frostbite years and regions, there is a transition type of frostbite in the wheat seedling population. There is a frostbite transitional zone between the severe frostbite area and the non-frostbite area, and there is more frostbite in the wheat fronds. In early spring, stepping up the management of wheat fields can promote the frostbite of some wheat seedlings, while poor agronomic practices and bad weather can aggravate frostbite and death.
1979—1982年,我们对克服油菜远缘杂交不亲和性进行了研究,现将初步结果报道如下。 一、材料和方法 1.亲本材料 本试验选择湘矮不育系、湘丰不育系(甘蓝型)、阿巴不育系(白菜
目的:通过观察参参康心滴丸对急性心肌梗死大鼠心电图ST段变化、血液中血管活性物质和心肌组织中炎症因子含量的影响,探讨该药对急性心肌梗死的疗效及作用机制。 方法:采用腹
目的:研究清肝活血方及其拆方对酒精性肝病(ALD)大鼠LPS-KC信号蛋白的影响。 方法:雄性Wistar大鼠100只,SPF级,随机分成空白组、CCl4组各10只,余80只为造模组,采用复合因素
本文探讨《金匮·妇人妊娠病脉证并治篇》中所提示的保胎养胎思想,其病机、用药精微所在,并在其疑似处,予以厘清之、申论之。 如首条恶阻治以桂枝汤,经误药者,则“绝之”,
目的:  系统评价中草药治疗骨质疏松性腰背痛的有效性及安全性;分析脾肾阳虚证型在中老年骨质疏松症及骨质疏松性骨折患者中的分布情况;探讨健脾补肾方及其有效组分蛇床子
目的:  研究大黄素对LPS诱导小鼠巨噬细胞自噬水平的影响。  方法:  细胞贴璧生长18个小时后,Western blot检测巨噬细胞RAW264.7 NF-κB和IκBα的变化。大黄素对小鼠巨
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