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加强道德与法制教育,推动反腐倡廉,是进一步落实党的十五大提出的“依法治国,建设社会主义法制国家”的重要保证,是进行具有中国特色社会主义建设的前提和基础。《中华人民共和国宪法》第二十四条明确规定:国家通过普及理想教育、道德教育、文化教育、纪律和法制教育。通过在城乡不同范围的群众中制定和执行各种守则公约,加强社会主义精神文明建设。 众所周知,反腐倡廉的推进工作是—个长期的、艰巨的、复杂的过程,我们必须树立良好的法制和道德观念,树立持久的作战思想,实行一个问题一个问题的解决,使之取得每一个阶段的胜利。否则,将会走向极端,这是关系着党和国家事业、命运、生死存亡的大问题,我们必须增强紧迫感,立足当前,采取扎实有效的措施,坚决和持久地进行下去。 Strengthening education on morality and legal system and promoting anti-corruption and building a clean government are important guarantees for further implementing the principle of “governing the country according to law and building a socialist legal system” proposed by the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and are the preconditions and basis for carrying out the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Article 24 of the “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China” clearly stipulates that the state shall: through universal popularization of ideal education, moral education, culture, education, discipline and legal education. Through the development and implementation of various conventions and conventions among the masses in different areas of urban and rural areas, we should strengthen the building of a socialist spiritual civilization. As we all know, advancing the work of combating corruption and building a clean government is a long-term, arduous and complex process. We must establish a sound legal system and moral values, establish a long-lasting thinking on operations, implement a solution to a problem and a solution to each and every problem. Stage of victory. Otherwise, it will go to extremes. This is a major issue that has a bearing on the cause, destiny and life and death of the party and the country. We must enhance our sense of urgency, take a firm and effective approach based on the present situation, and work resolutely and in a sustained manner.
随着全球化浪潮的冲击,各国政府都十分重视公共行政能力的提高,纷纷推行行政改革,以增强国家的竞争力,对此我国政府必须认真回应。 With the impact of the tide of globali
回顾了1974年至1994年间在巴黎ArmandTrousseau’s儿童医院接受手术的36例鼻部皮样窦道囊肿(nasaldermoidsinuscysts,NDSCs)病例,旨在评价现代影像学检查在诊断该病是否向颅内扩展的作用、不同的手术进路以及手术的 A retrospective re
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In practice many turbo machines driven by motors are started up to operational speed within a very short time, i.e. in less than 20 seconds. For this type of m