,Thermo-hydraulic analysis for SCWR during power-raising phase of startup

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kekedehome
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The study of thermal characteristics during startup is one of the most important aspects for safety analysis of supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR).According to the given sliding pressure mode of SCWR,thermal analysis on temperature-raising phase and power-raising phase of startup are carried out.Considering the radial heterogeneity of power distribution,thermal characteristics for different assemblies during startup are also put forward.The resuhs show that,during temperature-raising phase with core power increased only,the temperature of moderator,coolant and fuel cladding in inner assemblies are increased with little amplitude.During power-raising phase with core power and feed-water flow rate increased,the coolant temperature keeps unchanged,but the moderator temperature isdecreased.With a greater variation of power,fuel cladding temperature shows a greater increase.Furthermore,considering the uneven distribution of radial power,thermo-hydraulic characteristics with uneven cladding temperature distribution shows a certain horizontal heterogeneity for different fuel assemblies,which becomes serious as flow rate and power increase.By adjusting flow rate distribution in different fuel assemblies or changing power setting during startup,the cladding temperature difference could be effectively reduced,which provides a certain reference for startup optimization of SCWR.
In this paper,eleven consecutive hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients with an embolus in the hepatic vein (HV),inferior vena cava (IVC)and right atrium (RA)
目的 探讨早期母婴肌肤接触对早产儿的体温及母乳喂养的影响.方法 选择2019年1月-12月在浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院分娩的200例早产儿,随机分为观察组和对照组各100例,观
In humid environment,a particles can be picked up from the substrate by the capillary force,such as in the colloidal probe of atomic force microscopy technique.
使用失水山梨醇单油酸酯S20和大分子分散剂马来酸接枝聚乙烯蜡1105A,考察了分散剂种类、各相比例以及搅拌等因素对反相悬浮聚合反应合成高吸水性树脂的影响.结果 表明:在搅拌