Discovery and preliminary study of the high tungsten and lithium contents in the Dazhuyuan bauxite d

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myazx
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Bauxite in China remains an urgently needed resource largely dependent on imports. Based on the study of the newly-discovered Dazhuyuan bauxite deposit in northeastern Guizhou, we have found new enrichment of tungsten and lithium in bauxite, with the highest WO 3 content up to 0.33% and the highest Li 2 O content up to 0.58%. The present paper reports the initial result, and the spatial distribution feature of W and Li in the ore body (with Li enriched mostly in the north part of the west limb of the Liyuan syncline, whereas W enriched mostly in the central part of the east limb). The results suggest that it is necessary to delineate lithium and tungsten ore body independently, discuss the feasibility of its industrial utilization, and point out the new direction of synthetic appraisal for such kinds of traditional mineral resources, in order to forecast and assess bauxite resources in the region. Based on the study of the newly-discovered Dazhuyuan bauxite deposit in northeastern Guizhou, we have found new enrichment of tungsten and lithium in bauxite, with the highest WO 3 content up to 0.33 % and the highest Li 2 O content up to 0.58%. The present paper reports the initial result, and the spatial distribution feature of W and Li in the ore body (with Li enriched mostly in the north part of the west limb of the Liyuan syncline, and W enriched mostly in the central part of the east limb). The results suggest that it is necessary to delineate lithium and tungsten ore body independently, discuss the feasibility of its industrial utilization, and point out the new direction of synthetic appraisal for such kinds of traditional mineral resources, in order to forecast and assess bauxite resources in the region.
美国比较温和的经济衰退(如1990~1991年和2001年发生的经济衰退)通常会导致局部性的监管改革。而来势凶猛的经济衰退,往往预示着具有震撼性的变革,例如重大的政治洗 The mild
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目的 探讨多层羊膜移植联合抗病毒药物和糖皮质激素治疗基质坏死型单纯疱疹病毒性角膜炎(HSK)的临床疗效.方法选择2003年1月至2004年4月在山东省眼科研究所青岛眼科医院就诊的13例(13只眼)基质坏死型HSK患者,病程为3~22个月,平均15个月.经过系统的局部及全身抗病毒药物治疗1周以上,角膜炎性反应迁延不愈,角膜溃疡有继续扩大或向深基质发展趋势.利用角膜刮片镜检、坏死组织培养或共焦显微镜检