Study on Nitrous Oxide Emission in Boiler Furnace

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woodma
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A theoretical investigation on a kinetic mechanism of nitrous oxide formation in flames with different fuels was carried out for purposes of minimizing the total NOx yield. The effect of fuel type and combustion condition on N2O emission is discussed. It is found that N2O constitutes a relatively small fraction of the total NOx formation, but it is of great importance to both No formation and NO reduction from fuel nitrogen (N1) and molecular nitrogen (N2). A theoretical investigation on a kinetic mechanism of nitrous oxide formation in flames with different fuels was carried out for purposes of minimizing the total NOx yield. The effect of fuel type and combustion condition on N2O emission is discussed. It is found that N2O constitutes a relatively small fraction of the total NOx formation, but it is of great importance to both No formation and NO reduction from fuel nitrogen (N1) and molecular nitrogen (N2).
国军标《5.8mm 枪族通用规范》和《狙击步枪通用规范》审查会于1996年11月11日~14日召开。参加会议的有总公司军品局、第356厂、第346厂、第246厂、第216厂、第338厂及驻厂军
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