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2016年12月1日,中国台湾知名学者薛仁明先生在成都大学举办了一场题为“中国人的生命气象”的讲座。薛先生阐释了生命气象的深刻内涵,剖析了中国传统的生命气象,认为中国最核心的生命状态是阴阳转动,在追求出入、呼吸、吞吐、开合、取舍的平衡中注重该在意什么、不该在意什么,既拿得起、更放得下。孔子是中国人生命气象和中国人生命状态的典型范例,“三人行,必有我师焉”是最好的印证。他告诉大家怎样克服酸腐之气,怎样做气量大、心胸广的幸福人。薛仁明希望,活在当下的中国人应该打开生命状态,找到原来的生命气象,将人事物回到如实的角度,恢复生命宽松的状态,把自己解放出来,为自己松绑,对自己的缺点、弱点有正确的认知和面对,万事放得下,生命从容和自在,凡事认真而不较真,活出真正的自我。宋明理学的律己过严,导致后代读书人生命气象的萎缩。在当今时代,谈论生命气象具有重要的意义,尤其是应该让教育回归生命气象。本刊对薛先生的讲座录音进行了整理,并由编辑对部分语句进行了修改,且添加了文章副标题与文内小标题。经由薛先生审读同意后发表于本刊,以飨广大作者与读者,以唤醒世人在忙碌、庸常的世俗生活中追求生命气象。 On December 1, 2016, Mr. Xue Renming, a famous scholar from Taiwan, China, held a lecture entitled “Life Meteorology for Chinese” at Chengdu University. Mr. Xue explained the profound connotation of life meteorology and analyzed the traditional life meteorology in China. He believes that the most vital life state in China is the turning of the yin and yang, and pays attention to what it means in the balance of pursuing, entering, breathing, handling, opening and closing, What to care about, both affordable, letting go. Confucius is a typical example of Chinese life and state of Chinese life. “Three lines, there must be my teacher Yan” is the best proof. He told everyone how to overcome the sour gas, how to do a large amount of gas, a broad-minded happy people. Xue Renming hopes that the Chinese living in the present should open their life state, find the original life and weather, return people and things to a realistic perspective, restore a relaxed state of life, liberate themselves, loosen themselves and their own weaknesses and weaknesses Have the correct understanding and face, everything let go, calm and comfortable life, everything is serious but not true, live a real self. The discipline of the Song and Ming studies was too strict, leading to atrophy of the descendants’ life and life. In today’s world, talking about the weather of life is of great significance. In particular, we should return education to the climate of life. This magazine organizes the recording of Mr. Xue’s lecture, and some edits have been edited by editors, with the addition of subheadings and subheadings. After reading and approving by Mr. Xue, he published it in this journal in order to arouse the readers and readers to awaken the world in pursuit of life in a busy and ordinary secular life.
安徽省弋矶山医院“99mTc配套辐射防护用具的研究”1998年12月通过科技成果鉴定  99mTc配套辐射防护用具包括99mTc发生器淋洗柜、99mTc发生器淋洗防护屏99mTc标记防护屏、翻转铅罐、携带式注射器防护箱、给