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日前,久未更新博客的歌手谭维维突然发表了一篇名为《为发而发?》的博文,坦诚地表露了自己因身边人屡屡提及“人气下降”危机而感到的愤懑。谭维维直言最近她身边的朋友、天娱公司的同事都催促她更新博客,“生怕我把这‘巩固我重要人气的’的地方丢失了。”谭维维对每天装腔作势的艺人往往被认为是有范儿,真诚微笑的则被认为是虚伪的现象,非常困惑,她更写道:“‘他×的,我×,傻×,每天都把这些话挂在嘴边写在文字里,这就叫敢说敢做?叫真我表现?哦,那我肤浅。”有不少网友都认为谭维维这是有感而发,十分真实,还有网友揣测谭维维博文中所讥讽的每天把粗口挂在嘴边的明星就是何洁。 A few days ago, a long time ago blogger Tan Weiwei suddenly published an article entitled “made for the hair?” Bowen, frankly revealed himself because people around repeatedly referred to “popularity decline ” crisis angrily felt. Tan Weibei bluntly recently her friends, days entertainment colleagues have urged her to update the blog, “for fear that I lost my place to consolidate my important popularity. ” Tan Weiwei performer day dress is often considered to be there Fan children, sincere smile is considered a hypocrisy, very confused, she wrote: “he ×, I ×, silly ×, these words are written every day in the text, which Oh, that I am superficial. ”There are many users think that Tan Weiwei This is the feeling, very real, there are netizens Tan Weiwei Bowen ridiculed every day to foul language hanging The star in the mouth is what clean.
周强,男,汉族,1960年4月生,湖北黄梅人,1976年8月参加工作,1978年9月加入中国共产党,西南政法学院研究生院民法专业毕业,研究生学历,法学硕士学位。  现任中共十九届中央委员,最高人民法院院长、党组书记、审判委员会委员,首席大法官。  1976—1978年 湖北省黄梅县独山公社周边大队插队知青  1978—1982年 西南政法學院法律系学习  1982—1985年 西南政法学院研究生院