,Spin polarization effect for Tc2 molecule

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttytty
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Density functional method (DFT) (B3p86) of Gaussian98 has been used to optimize the structure of the Tc2 molecule. The result shows that the ground state for Tc2 molecule is an 11-multiple state and its electronic configuration is 11∑- g, which shows the spin polarization effect of Tc2 molecule of a transition metal element for the first time.Meanwhile, we have not found any spin pollution because the wavefunction of the ground state does not mingle with wavefunctions of higher energy states. So, that the ground state for Tc2 molecule is an 11-multiple state is indicative of the spin polarization effect of Tc2 molecule of a transition metal element: that is, there exist 10 parallel spin electrons. The non-conjugated electron is greatest in number. These electrons occupy different spacious tracks, so that the energy of Tc2 molecule is minimized. It can be concluded that the effect of parallel spin of the Tc2 molecule is larger than the effect of the conjugated molecule, which is obviously related to the effect of electron d delocalization.In addition, the Murrell-Sorbie potential functions with the parameters for the ground state 11∑- g and other states of Tc2 molecule are derived. Dissociation energy De for the ground state of Tc2 molecule is 2.266eV, equilibrium bond length Re is 0.2841nm, vibration frequency ωe is 178.52cm-1. Its force constants f2, f3, and f4 are 0.9200aJ.nm-2,-3.5700aJ.nm-3, 11.2748aJ.nm-4 respectively. The other spectroscopic data for the ground state of Tc2 molecule ωexe,Be, αe are 0.5523cm- 1, 0.0426cm- 1, 1.6331 × 10-4cm- 1 respectively.
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