Dynamic response analysis under atmospheric disturbances for helicopters based on elastic blades

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpf881
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A flight dynamics model based on elastic blades for helicopters is developed.Modal shape analysis is used to describe the rotating elastic blades for the purpose of reducing the elastic degrees of freedom for blades.The analytical result is employed to predict the rotor forces and moments.The equilibrium equation of the flight dynamics model is then constructed for the elastic motion for blades and the rigid motion for other parts.The nonlinear equation is further simplified,and the gradient descent algorithm is adopted to implement the trim simulation.The trim analysis shows that the effect of blade elasticity on the accuracy of rotor forces and moments is apparent at high speed,and the proposed method presents good accuracy for trim performance.The timedomain response is realized by a combination of the Newmark method and the adaptive RungeKutta method.The helicopter control responses of collective pitch show that the response accuracy of the model at a yaw-and-pitch attitude is improved.Finally,the influence of blade elasticity on the helicopter dynamic response in low-altitude wind shear is investigated.An increase in blade elasticity reduces the oscillation amplitude of the yaw angle and the vertical speed by more than 70%.Compared with a rigid blade,an elastic blade reduces the vibration frequency of the angular velocity and results in a fast return of the helicopter to its stable flight. A flight dynamics model based on elastic blades for helicopters is developed. Modal shape analysis is used to describe the rotating elastic blades for the purpose of reducing the elastic degrees of freedom for blades. The analytical result is employed to predict the rotor forces and moments. The equilibrium equation of the flight dynamics model is then constructed for the elastic motion for blades and the rigid motion for other parts. The nonlinear equation is simplified simplified, and the gradient descent algorithm is implemented to the trim simulation. The trim analysis shows that the effect of blade elasticity on the accuracy of rotor forces and moments is apparent at high speed, and the proposed method presents good accuracy for trim performance. The time domain response is realized by a combination of the Newmark method and the adaptive Runge Kit method. The helicopter control responses of collective pitch show that the response accuracy of the model at a yaw-and-pitch attitude is impr oved.Finally, the influence of blade elasticity on the helicopter dynamic response in low-altitude wind shear is investigated. An increase in blade elasticity reduces the oscillation amplitude of the yaw angle and the vertical speed by more than 70%. Compared with a rigid blade, an elastic blade reduces the vibration frequency of the angular velocity and results in a fast return of the helicopter to its stable flight.
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