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在美学史上,是马克思第一次明确地提出了“美的规律”问题,这对于我国美学界,对“美的规律”的研究,具有重要的理论指导意义。从整体精神来说,马克思所说“美的规律”,在范围上主要表现三个方面:首先,人们在物质的生产和生活的领域里,是按照“美的规律”进行创造和享乐的。当然,这并非说在任何情况下人们都是这样去做,而只是在具备一定的客观条件和主观条件下才有可能。马克思说:“囿于粗陋的实际需要的感觉只具有有限的意义,对于一个忍饥挨饿的人说来并不存在人的食物形式,而且不能说这饮食与动物有什么不同。忧心忡忡的穷人甚至对最美丽的景色都没有什么感觉;贩卖矿物的商人只看到矿物的商业价值而看不到矿物的美的特征。”历史证明,人们对物质生活的享受,最先是从非人的受用形式逐步地上升到一般的人的享受形式,后来又从一般的人的享受形式逐步地上升到审美形式。其次,人们在精神的生产和生活领域里,是按照“美的规律”进行创造和享乐的;只要具备了一定的主客观条件,人们在精神生产如 In the history of aesthetics, it is the first time that Marx put forward the question of “the law of beauty” for the first time. This is of great theoretic guiding significance for the study of the “law of the United States” by our aesthetic community. As a whole, Marx’s “law of beauty” mainly shows three aspects in terms of scope. First, people create and enjoy “beauty’s laws” in the field of material production and life. Of course, this is not to say that under all circumstances people do the same thing, but only with certain objective conditions and subjective conditions. Marx said: “The sense of impoliteness in the actual needs has only a limited meaning. There is no human food form for a starving person, and it can not be said that the diet is different from that of an animal. Even the most beautiful scenery does not feel anything; traders of minerals only see the commercial value of minerals and can not see the characteristics of the beauty of minerals. ”History shows that people enjoy the material life, the first non-human form of use Gradually rose to the enjoyment of the general human form, and later gradually from the general human enjoyment of the form rose to the aesthetic form. Second, in the field of spiritual production and life, people are creating and enjoying themselves in accordance with the “law of beauty.” As long as they possess certain subjective and objective conditions,
长久以来,对于真正的西式宴会,我心中一直有着隐约而又美好的憧憬。 For a long time, I have always had a vague and beautiful vision for a truly Western-style banque
①我的书房里悬挂着一个条幅,上面是我自己书写的四个字——“心系一处”。最初知道这句话,是在作家贾平凹的一篇文章里:“一个和尚曾给我传授过成就大事的秘诀:心系一 1 Th
城中测绘公司年夜饭,施董事长要亲自出席,为大家敬酒。整个测绘公司,特别是老员工和高层们,都非常紧张。  吃个年夜饭,员工为何会如此紧张和不安?因为集团公司有好几个分公司,年夜饭一般是总经理代表公司高层出席,感谢员工一年来的辛苦的同时,陪同大家一起喝喝酒,吃个团圆饭,等发了年终奖,公司就放年假了。而董事长只有在人事有重大调整时才会出现在酒席上,他若是坐着敬大家,那么准是喜事儿,大家都皆大欢喜;若是特
“作为这个世界上最有资格谴责你们的我,我想说请你们回家吧,家里还有等待你们的父母亲。” “As the world’s most qualified person to condemn you, I want to say that
为社会培养合格人才 ,是一切高等院校所关注的核心命题。美学教学实践 ,对这一命题作了深入的阐发与诠释。在论述“美学教学与心灵美”、“美学教学与技法美”与“美学教学与