顶空固相微萃取法(SPM E)检测小麦受害虫感染情况初步研究

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研究了一种新的用于检测储藏小麦害虫感染的方法———顶空固相微萃取法(SPME),实验结果表明:利用SPME法所提取的几种常见储粮害虫(谷蠹 Rhyzopertha dominica、赤拟谷盗 Tribolium castaneum、扁谷盗 Cryptolestes ferrugineus与锈赤扁谷盗Cryptolestes pusillus)所释放的挥发性信息素可以作为粮食受害虫感染的检测指标,同时由于它们所释放的信息素量不同(谷蠹最高,其次分别是赤拟谷盗﹑扁谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗),这也直接导致了SPM E法检测灵敏度的不同,实验结果表明:在1 kg的储藏小麦中能够成功地检测出1头赤拟谷盗和1头谷蠹,而扁谷盗和锈赤扁谷盗则需要更多的数量才能够被检测出来。“,”In this study ,new method was investigated using solid phase microextraction (SPME) for detection of insect infestation in stored wheat . The results show that volatile pheromones isolated from a number of common stored grain insects ,can be used to indicate infestation . The amounts of pheromone released varied between species . Rhyzopertha dominica ( F .) was the highest volatile pheromone producer among the spe‐cies investigated ,then it was followed by Tribolium castaneum ( Herbst) ,Cryptolestes ferrugineus ( Ste‐phens) and Cryptolestes pusillus ( Schonherr) ,respectively . This resulted in different sensitivity when SPME was used for detection . A single specimen of T . castaneum and R . dominica could be successfully detected in 1 kg of wheat ,whereas more number of C .ferrugineus and C .pusillus beetles were required for detection in the same quantity of grain . Extraction period and temperature affected the sensitivity of the SPME method . Longer exposure time and higher temperature allowed more analytes to be collected . Consequently ,extraction for 4 h at 50 Cap‐peared to be the optimum condition for extracting pheromones produced by the beetles covered by this study . The method was further adjusted to be more practical and this resulted in changing the sensitivity . Detection of a single R . dominica could still be successfully achieved ,even though the time and the temper‐ature w ere reduced ,w hereas for the remaining species ,the minimum number of insects required had to be increased by about 40e60% in order to detect volatile pheromone in headspace . In conclusion , the SPME technique in detection of infestation is still required further development to be applied to the grain indus‐try . Dynamic headspace may help improve the sensitivity of technique .
今年46岁的张泽礼是来自乐至县高寺镇的“新农夫”。为什么说他是新农夫呢?因为从2011年开始,在城市漂泊打工近20年的他决定回家种地,而且坚决坚持他自己所深信的健康食品原则:“不打农药、不施化肥、不用除草剂”。在他们村,他被称作最“年轻”的农民,因为他是最年轻的“回家种地”的人。村里守着土地的人,大多都是没有出去打工的他的父辈,像他这个年纪的人,都离开家乡,到城里打工过活了。  当我们面临地球涌现
从古时候起日本就被称为“森林之国”,日本人自古也被称作是“森林之族”。他们认为,人和自然是融合在一起的整体,二者没有明显的区别。  二战之后的日本,百废待兴,在经历了高速经济增长期之后,戴上了“世界第二经济大国”的桂冠,但却陷入了“环境公害”的泥沼。日本在反思中开始警醒与检讨,并于上世纪80年代确立了城市发展的首要目标必须是宜居的家园。  如今,从太空中鸟瞰日本国土,它好像被一大块碧绿色的布所覆盖