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  A sweltering(使人热得发晕的), windowless room in an old district of Dubai, no more than 5 metres by 3 metres in size, is the only home to a six?year?old boy from the Philippines.
  His name is Jerry and he shares a tiny bed with his mother, Neng. Growing up without a birth certificate means he has no access to education and has never visited a doctor. Officially, this little boy does not exist.
  Having sex outside of marriage is a crime under the countrys Islamic laws, with guilt resulting in prison terms of up to one year. In some cases, even reporting a rape has been regarded by the authorities as illegal sex, and has led to victims being jailed.
  “The moment you get pregnant, you cannot tell anyone and you dont know what to do. Its a very big torture,” says Neng.
  It is almost impossible to know how many children are in the same position as Jerry across the country. Each month, about 40 mothers with children born out of wedlock(已婚状态) seek assistance from the Philippines Consulate (领事馆) in Dubai, according to a spokesperson for the consulate. This figure is likely to be a fraction(小部分) of the number of mothers who are living in hiding in the country with their children.
  Yet there are signs of hope for these families. In the cases the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children has worked on, the courts have been flexible and the mother has not served a jail term. This approach could be rolled out for wider implementation(执行).
  1.How does the author begin the article?
  A.By giving some numbers.
  B.By illustrating a typical case.
  C.By contrasting different situations.
  D.By describing an uncomfortable scene.
  2.What can be inferred about Jerry according to the text?
  A.He is unfairly treated in Dubai.
  B.He has the right to see a local doctor.
  C.He could be jailed according to the law.
  D.He is the only child living in secret in Dubai.
  Sentences for writing
  1.The moment/minute/instant... 一……就……
  you get pregnant,
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