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美国《每日航宇》2002年10月11日报道,导弹防御局计划为地基中段防御(GMD)系统建造海基 X 波段雷达,MDA 在8月已经决定要建造海基雷达系统,这是因为已经进行的14次试验中,海基雷达系统有13次证明是有效的,而地基雷达系统只有5次试验是有效的。MDA 计划投资9亿美元来购买 X 波段雷达,将在2005年之前综合到太平洋的实验台,而太平洋的实验台将于2004年开始使用。在其他导弹防御计划方面,该报告几乎或全部削减了用于海基终端计划的9000万美元,原因是议员认为 MDA 对该计划的定义不明确;从1.44亿美元的海基、天基助推段拦截器计划中削减了5000万美元;从3480万美元的天基激光器计划中削减1000万美元;从9.32亿美元的战区高空区域防御(THAAD)系统计划中削减2000万美元。 The United States Daily Space reported on October 11, 2002 that the Missile Defense Agency plans to build a sea-based X-band radar for the Foundation Earthquake Prevention (GMD) system. MDA decided to build a sea-based radar system in August, Of the 14 tests conducted, 13 proved to be effective sea-based radar systems, whereas ground-based radar systems have only been valid for five trials. MDA plans to invest 900 million US dollars to buy X-band radar, will be integrated into the Pacific before 2005 test bed, and the Pacific test bed will be started in 2004. In other missile defense plans, the report almost or completely reduced $ 90 million for the sea-based terminal program because lawmakers did not consider the MDA’s definition of the plan ambiguous; from $ 144 million in sea-based, space-based boost segments A $ 50 million cut from the interceptor program; a $ 10 million cut from the $ 34.8 million space-based laser program; and a $ 20 million cut from the $ 932 million THAAD system.
1.克汀病能预防吗? 地方性甲状腺肿既然可以通过补充碘化物进行预防,那么,地方性克汀病的预防也应该是可能办得到的。实际上国内外已有大量的先例证明,随着碘盐防治的深入和
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