Nocturnal polyuria after lumbar disc herniation surgery

来源 :世界针灸杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunmin1986
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A male patient with seventy-six years old,frequent urination at night,lassitude,aversion to cold,feeling tired easily on exertion,soreness and weakness in the lumbar region,dark and purplish tongue with white coating,deep,thread and rapid pulse.Diagnosis:nocturnal polyuria.Syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine:kidney yang deficiency.In treatment,the Du-moxibustion (moxibustion along the Governor vessel) was adopted in the lumbosacral region.A number of cross marks were marked along Zhōngshū (中枢 GV 7) to Yāoshù(腰俞 GV 2).Herbal powder for the Du-moxibustion was put evenly and straightly from GV 7 to GV 2 along the cross marks.The mulberry bark paper was put flatly over the treating region with the folded midline of the paper matching the powder line and the ginger paste was placed on the paper and flatted with the tongue depressor as a trapezium.A groove was pressed on the ginger paste,And moxa was put inside.The upper,middle and lower sites of the moxa were ignited for moxibustion,when the moxa was burnt out then new moxa was replaced.Totally,the moxa was changed 3 times in one treatment.The treatment was given once a week,and 4 treatments as one course.After 2-course Du-moxibustion,the frequency of nocturnal urination was 0-1 time,0-350mL a night.The patient had lassitude and fatigue occasionally and had no aversion to cold.The treatment was given once every two weeks on the lumbosacral region until the urine frequency was normal at night.The Du-moxibustion improves in kidney yang deficiency,kidney qi deficiency,post-operative body weakness and the deficiency cold of the lower Jiao.This therapy warms the meridian,promotes qi and blood circulation,shortens the recovery time of the normal circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid and nourishes cauda equina as well as alleviates the pressure to cauda equina due to edema.This therapy effectively treats nocturnal polyuria of kidney yang deficiency after lumbar disc herniation surgery.
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