Teaching Planhow to conclude theme and give an example in writing

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  The teaching material and the students’conditions.
  Many students wandered from the theme in the monthly test and many of them felt puzzled. So this teaching period is focused on how to conclude theme according to the cues and how to give an example in writing. By giving this lesson, I will not only help them master the skills of concluding theme and giving examples, but also inspire them to apply what they have learnt to practice --- making an outline.
  Teaching Aims:
  1.To help Ss know how to set up theme according to the cues;
  2.To help Ss know how to illustrate views;
  3.To improve Ss writing skills;
  4.To transmit positive energy in examples.
  Teaching Important Points:
  1.How to set up theme according to the cues;
  2.How to illustrate views
  Teaching Methods:
  task-based and communicative teaching approaches
  Teaching Aids:
  a computer, a multimedia projector, a blackboard
  Teaching Procedures
  Step 1. Lead-in.
  Present the composition of monthly test.
  [12月月考試题] 请根据以下提示,并结合事例,用英语写一篇短文。
  At times, in relationship, to accept leads to peace and harmony while to expect leads to conflict and tension.
  注意 1. 无须写标题;
  2. 除诗歌外,文体不限;
  3. 内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例;
  4. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;
  5. 词数不少于120,如引用提示语不计入总词数。
  Present two paragraphs of the beginnings from two students.
  ①Conventional wisdom has it that where there are peace and harmony, there are conflict and tension. Not only do we need peace to settle down, but also need conflict to develop.
  ②It is widely assumed that to accept leads to peace and harmony while to expect leads to conflict and tension. Accept everything comes to our life and we will enjoy the sunshine from the world.
  Ask students to point out the problems individually. Discuss the theme and present.
  Theme: acceptance / tolerance / don’t expect to get too much from others/ not be too particular about others
  Present another beginning.
  Conventional wisdom has it that acceptance and understanding are what it takes to deal with the relationship with others. With too much expectation, we will be always finding fault with others, as a result of which, conflict will come into being.
  Purpose:To enable students to know where their problems lie and arouse their desire for solving the problem.
  Step 2. Presentation and practice.   A. ① At times, in relationship, to accept leads to peace and harmony while to expect leads to conflict and tension.
  【展开:accept & expect 都应该谈到,但不要求平均用力或以对比的形式来呈现】
  比较:[13年] We all know that “sticks and stones may break our bones”, but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.
  (Which word do you think is important? Which part does it emphasize?)
  Key word: but (it emphasizes the latter part)
  Theme: the power/ bad effect of bad words
  【Summary:对比型 --- 找准侧重点】
  B. ①Interest plays an important part in our life. Interest is the best teacher, which can help us make our way to success.
  (What are the key words? What information do you think is useful?)
  Key word: interest
  Useful information: plays an important part/ can help us
  Theme: the importance/ effect of interest
  ②[14年] Small things make a big difference. The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society.
  (What are the key words? What information do you think is useful?)
  Key word: small things
  Useful information: make a big difference /can make us
  Theme: the importance/ power/ effect of small things
  【Summary: 直接型 --- 找關键词
  展开:从正面直接谈, 举正面的事例】
  C. ① Watch a short video.
  There is a saying. Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.
  (Pair work: What’s the meaning of the sentence? What can you learn from the sentence?)
  Theme: have a right attitude towards life /what we have now or cherish/ treasure the present/ what we have now
  ② There is no such thing as a free lunch. Success doesn’t come to anyone who sits back and does nothing at all. As they say, “As you sow, so shall you reap.”
  (Pair work: What’s the meaning of the sentence? What can you learn from the sentence?)
  Possible version: You get what you paid.
  Theme: making efforts/ hard-working
  【Summary:谚语类 ---将抽象空洞的道理联系实际,落实到现实生活中】
  (Pair work: Make an outline of the example and report it orally)
  【Summary:从正面:正面的事例making efforts success
  从反面:反面的事例 not making efforts fail/ gain nothing realize the importance】
  Exercise: make an outline.
  It is known to all that volunteering benefits others, but we should also be aware that it can benefit volunteer themselves, too.
  (Group work: 4 as a group. Discuss and make an outline.)   (Ask Ss to present their outline on the blackboard and make an evaluation.)
  effect/ importance of volunteering
  How to illustrate?
  (Tips: win-win situation benefits others & benefits themselves 都應该提到
  Purpose:To help students know how to analyze the cues, and then master the skills of concluding the theme and giving examples.
  Step3. Summary
  ① grasp the key words, have a appropriate explanation or understanding of the cues, and set up the theme. (抓关键词,正确解读提示语,提炼观点)
  ② Style(题材): narration& comments(夹叙夹议)
  ③ Person(人称):the first and third person(第一、三人称)
  ④ Tense(时态):the present and past tense(一般现在时和一般过去时为主)
  ⑤ Structure(结构):three paragraphs: put forward a view– illustrate the view-- conclusion(提出观点—论证观点—强化观点)
  原则:将抽象的道理具体化,联系实际,结合自己的学习生活(Combine the theory with reality. Apply the abstract theory to concrete practice, such as our life and study.)
  ① 要紧扣主题(keep to the theme);
  ② 切口小,落到实处,联系生活.切忌高大空,空喊口号;(talk about the concrete practice in our life and study)
  ③ 从正面、从反面或以对比的形式来论证;(give positive or negative examples, or by means of comparison)
  ④ 积极向上,传递正能量。(the examples should be positive, which can transmit the positive energy.)
  Purpose:To help students reflect on what they have learnt and have a complete concept of setting up themes and giving examples.
  Other factors of high-marked composition:
  ① beautiful handwriting (漂亮的书写);
  ② beautiful language(优美的语言)--- advanced vocabulary and sentence structures (“两高”:高级的词汇和高级的句子结构);
  ③ fluency (流畅、连贯);
  ④ appropriate length (合适的篇幅:不宜过长也不宜过短150-180)
  Purpose:To help students have a thorough concept of a high-marked composition.
  Step 4. Consolidation.
  Something attempted, something done.
  注意: ① 无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;
  ② 除诗歌外,文体不限;
  ③ 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;
  ④ 词数 不少于 120 。
摘要:网络化治理产生于多元化社会结构和治理理论兴起的背景下。网络治理通过政府、非营利组织和企业等主体形式参与提供公共服务的治理模式。本文将对网络治理理论的背景、内涵和特征,以及自身存在的优势与挑战等方面进行阐述,并进一步分析网络化治理对政府管理的启示。  关键词:网络化治理;政府部门;新形态  一、网络化治理兴起的背景  (一)对传统官僚制的批判  在官僚制内,自上而下、上下一致的管理模式,导致效
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摘要:雾霾由于对人类生存环境和健康的影响,近年来已成为全社会关注的一大热点问题。有效治理雾霾,有法可依是第一步。  关键词:雾霾治理;有法可依  近来大半个中国都笼罩在厚厚的雾霾中。此次雾霾影响地域之广,持续时间之久,实属罕见。一时间,全国上下的神经都被这“看不见”却又“吸不得”的霾所牵动,一次异常的环境气候变化成为社会热点事件。  我们对雾霾的形成气象条件是无法控制和改变的,结合其他各国治霾的经
摘要:为增强党员干部的拒腐防变能力,有效发挥好党的先进性和领导作用,使煤炭企业健康、和谐、持续发展,我们必须高度重视和加强基层煤炭企业的党风廉政建设,努力为煤企建设提供强大的精神动力和智力支持。  关键词:建立一套符合煤炭企业党风廉政建设的惩防体系。  随着我国企业改革的不断深入和市场经济的快速发展,同时受多种原因影响, 在我们煤炭企业的经营发展过程中,党员的思想和信念受到冲击,一些党员干部违规违
摘要:随着全球经济的不断发展和人们生活水平的不断提升,越来越多的人认识到节能、减排、环保对生存环境的重要作用,并致力于在各行各业中探寻节能减排的设计方法,以实现地球资源的可持续发展。传统的暖通空调设计一般采用的都是消耗电能的方法,在能源消耗中占有很大比重,因此我们应探寻创新的设计方法,以实现暖通空调设计的节能性。  关键词:暖通空调设计;节能环保;方法;要点  人们生活水平随着经济发展而不断提升,
摘要:红色文化蕴含着丰富的革命精神和厚重的历史文化。红色文化曾经激励着一代又一代中华儿女前赴后继,教育一批又一批新人在红色的天地里茁壮成长。新时期随着企业文化创建的持续加强,继承红色文化,传播红色文化尤为重要,将红色文化融入企业文化是传承红色文化的重要教育实践过程。同时,传承和传播红色文化对于弘扬我们伟大的民族精神,践行社会主义核心价值观,促进企业发展有着极其重要的现实意义。  关键词:文化;红色
摘要:作为新兴的产业,生物制药的发展前景广阔。中国生物技术制药起步比较晚,同时,因为受到种种因素的影响,中国生物技术制药相对于国外发达国家而言,缺乏竞争力。基于此,对中国生物技术制药进行研究已经成为人们关注的热点。对中国生物制药发展现状进行阐述,深入分析中国生物技术制药存在的不足,对中国生物技术制药发展的对策进行探讨。  关键词:生物技术;制药;发展对策  引言  始于1971年的生物制药技术指的