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根据党中央的部署,湖南省省、市、县、乡四级党委换届工作已于2006年11月顺利结束。在这次换届中,一批德才兼备、年富力强的干部进入了新的领导班子。新班子带来了新气象,也给加强班子自身建设带来了新课题。怎样把各级领导班子建设成为政治上成熟坚定,具有现代意识与国际眼光,能够驾驭市场经济,善于治国理政,勇于开拓创新的坚强领导集体,关系到“十一五”规划的顺利实施,关系到党的事业的兴旺发达和国家的长治久安。加强班子自身建设,最重要的是各级领导班子成员必须全面贯彻落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略思想,带头恪尽职守,带头勤奋学习,带头发扬民主,带头维护团结,带头清正为民,努力在人民群众中树立起负责任、干事业、求实效的良好形象。 According to the arrangements made by the party Central Committee, the general election of party committees at the four provincial, municipal, county and township levels in Hunan Province ended smoothly in November 2006. In this general election, a group of cadres who have both ability and political integrity and are prosperous have entered a new leadership. The new team brought a new atmosphere and brought new tasks to strengthening the self-construction of the team. How to build the leading bodies at all levels into a strong and resolute leadership politically, with modern consciousness and international vision, being able to master the market economy, being good at governing the country and courage in pioneering and innovating, is related to the smooth implementation of the 11th Five-Year Plan, Related to the prosperity of the party’s cause and the long-term peace and stability of the country. The most important thing is to strengthen the team’s own construction. The most important thing is that all members of the leading bodies at all levels must fully implement the important strategic thinking of implementing the scientific concept of development and building a socialist harmonious society, take the lead in doing their utmost to diligently and diligently study, take the lead in promoting democracy, take the lead in safeguarding unity, People, and strive to establish a good image of the people in charge of a responsible, cadre, and effective.
1 我国可再生能源发电产业现状及背景我国目前已拥有 30 0GW的电力装机 ,国电公司全额投资、控股或参股的电厂占总装机的一半左右。全国发电量达到 1 2PWh。其中火力发电量占总发
介绍了太阳能光伏水泵技术的发展现状及技术水平 ,并对西部地区的太阳能资源和水资源作了概述。分析了在西部地区推广光伏水泵系统的可行性。用光伏水泵系统解决西部无电地区
“我们这一批农民工全部成为工会会员了,在工会体会到了‘家’的温暖,在‘家’里找到了归属感,我们一定要好好干,回报企业。”在冀中能源邯郸矿业集团阳邑矿工会建家 “All