Crystallization kinetics of amorphous Zr_(65)Cu_(25)Al_(10) alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shabi12345678
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Crystallization behavior of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 25 Al 10 alloy under isothermal annealing condition was investigated by DSC and XRD. It is found that two exothermic peaks appear in the DSC curve of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 25 Al 10 alloy, indicating that the crystallization proceeds through double stage mode. The crystallization process of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 25 Al 10 alloy under isothermal annealing condition is mainly controlled by nucleation and one dimensional growth with the crystallized volume fraction smaller than 70%. With the crystallized volume fraction ranging from 70% to 90%, crystallization process is mainly dominated by the growth of three dimensional pre existing quench in nuclei. And when the crystallized volume fraction reaches above 90%, transient nucleation becomes the master of the crystallization process. Crystallization behavior of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 25 Al 10 alloy under isothermal annealing condition was investigated by DSC and XRD. It is found that two exothermic peaks appear in the DSC curve of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 25 Al 10 alloy, indicating that the crystallization proceeds through double stage mode. The crystallization process of amorphous Zr 65 Cu 25 Al 10 alloy under isothermal annealing condition is mainly controlled by nucleation and one dimensional growth with the crystallized volume fraction smaller than 70%. With the crystallized volume fraction ranging from 70% to 90 %, crystallization process is mainly dominated by the growth of three dimensional pre existing quench in nuclei. And when the crystallized volume fraction reaches above 90%, transient nucleation becomes the master of the crystallization process.
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