Adsorption of urea, creatinine, and uric acid from three solution types using spherical activated ca

来源 :中国化学工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigtree16
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In this paper, we propose that the urinary toxins from the wastewater be adsorbed on an adsorbent such as spherical activated carbon and the latter be regenerated by subjecting it to high temperatures to recycle activated carbon and also to recycle the water used in dialysis. We studied the adsorption of artificial waste dialysate, which is a mixed solution of urea, creatinine, and uric acid, and the separate solutions for each of these and found that their extents of adsorption onto the spherical activated carbon material were nearly identical. The amount of adsorption was approximately 1.4 mg·g-1 for urea, 18 mg·g-1 for creatinine, and 20 mg·g-1 for uric acid. The urea, creatinine, and uric acid adsorbed onto the spherical activated carbon decomposed on heat treatment at 500 ℃, and the adsorption capacity of the spherical activated carbon was regenerated. Our study successfully demonstrated that the spherical activated carbon can be recycled in the waste dialysate treatment process.
嫁接果树可提前结果,而且比实生苗或扦插苗要早得多。其主要原因是: 一、利用植株的不同发育阶段,把不同生长态势的部位嫁接起来,是果树提前开花结果的主要原因。一般的果树嫁接,
【摘 要】高等职业教育绝不能简单地成为职业技术培训,高等职业院校的毕业生除了要有专业职业素质外,还必须具备非技术性的综合职业素质。为避免高等职业教育的功利化、工具化,使高等职业院校的毕业生成为完整的、完全的人,以高职语文教学为核心的人文学科教育发挥着不可替代的重要作用,高职学生的非技术性综合职业素质的培养主要要依靠高职语文等课程学习来完成。语文向来是基础,它也是高职学生毕业后后续专业技术可持续学习
 1.看树苗:优质果树苗木,应具备 3条以上的主根和较多的须根,并且分布均匀,不偏向一侧。   2.看叶芽:优质的果树苗木,其叶芽充实饱满,且有 10个以上。   3.看高度:果树苗木与用
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