The Value of HRV Analysis and Multiple Correlations for Study of Child Virus Myocarditis

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wht000a
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Objectives To evaluate thevalue of HRV analysis and multiple correlations forstudy of child virus myocarditis. Methods HRVanalysis was performed on 41 myocarditis and 40 nor-mal children. The HRV changes in waking and sleep-ing time were observed as well. Multiple correlationand regression were carried out with the depth of ST-T depression as dependent variable and all HRV timeand frequency domain indexes including those inwaking and sleeping time as independent variables.Results HRV abnormality was found in virus my-ocarditis children .Their HRV indexes were decreasedno matter waking time or sleeping time and the differ-ences hetween waking and sleeping time were muchless than those in the controls. In multiple correlationand regression analysis, the ST depression correlatedwith VLF, LFN, LF. Conclusions HRV abnormali-ties existed in children with virus myocarditis whichindicates the sympathetic tense were increased per-manently. The ST depression correlates with VLF,LFN, LF. HRV analysis is helpful wi Objectives To evaluate thevalue of HRV analysis and multiple correlations forstudy of child virus myocarditis. Methods HRValysis was performed on 41 myocarditis and 40 nor-mal children. The HRV changes in waking and sleep-ing time were observed as well. out with the depth of ST-T depression as dependent variable and all HRV time and frequency domain indexes including those inaking and sleeping time as independent variables. Results HRV abnormality was found in virus my-ocarditis. Their HRV indexes were decreased no matter waking time or sleeping time and the differ-ences hetween waking and sleeping time were much more than those in the controls. In multiple correlation and regression analysis, the ST depression correlated with VLF, LFN, LF. Conclusions HRV abnormali-ties existed in children with virus myocarditis whichindicates the sympathetic tense were increased per-manently. The ST depression correlates with VLF, LFN, LF. HRV anal ysis is helpful wi
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