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近年来,由于技术更新速度的加快,产品的生产与消费者的需求存在差异,许多创业者面临着很难提供与消费者需求匹配的产品等问题,这迫使创业者寻求新的创业方式和融资渠道。基于上述原因,国外创业者开始了众筹模式的探索和研究,如今产品众筹已渐渐成为金融市场中一种新兴的融资方式,其为加快创新型民营企业发展,吸收民间资金存量,促进创新型产品多样化生产起到了很大的作用。但产品众筹在我国还处于初步发展阶段,并未形成规范的运行及监管机制。所以,研究我国产品众筹现状,了解参与者的动机,再根据动机提出规范我国产品众筹的建议,对我国更好地发展产品众筹,促进中小企业融资具有重要的意义。 In recent years, due to the speeding up of technological upgrading, there is a difference between the production of products and the needs of consumers, and many entrepreneurs face the difficulty of providing products that match the needs of consumers. This forces entrepreneurs to seek new ways of doing business and financing channel. For these reasons, foreign entrepreneurs started the exploration and research of crowdfunding mode. Nowadays, product crowdfunding has gradually become an emerging financing method in financial markets. In order to speed up the development of innovative private-owned enterprises, absorb the stock of non-government funds and promote innovation Diversified production of products played a big role. However, product crowdfunding in our country is still in its initial stage of development, nor has formed a normative operation and regulatory mechanism. Therefore, studying the status quo of China’s crowdfunding of products, understanding the motivation of the participants, and then putting forward the proposal of regulating the crowdfunding of China’s products according to the motivation, are of great significance to our country to better develop the product crowdfunding and promote the financing of SMEs.
相对以理学为核心的禁锢人性的道德标准 ,“三言”中大量女性形象具有的生命活力 ,对个性的张扬 ,对性的释放具一定程度的个性主义和反叛意识 ,而同时 ,作品中又充斥着大量的