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泡桐网蝽Eteonus angulatus Drake et Mao是泡桐的重要害虫之一。成虫及若虫喜群集在较老的叶片背面吸食汁液。植株被害后,生长不良。在江西南昌一年发生4代,以成虫在泡桐枯枝的空腔内、树皮下、挂在树杈上的枯叶和蛛网中越冬。其各代发生期和各虫态历期基本上搞清。因成虫寿命较长,故自4月下旬,至11月下旬,即泡桐的整个生长季节中,皆可见各种虫态,但以7—9月发生数量较多,为害最烈。成虫和若虫喜在4—15年生的中龄泡桐上为害,幼苗和老树基本上不见被害,荫蔽处的树受害较重。成虫不甚活泼,具有假死性。卵多散产于叶背近叶柄的主脉和第1次分脉交界处的组织内,上面覆盖着黑褐色粘性分泌物。雌虫每次产卵5—16枚,产卵量31—64枚。该虫现仅知分布于福建和江西。为防止其扩展蔓延,应加强检疫;在发生地,如遇发生密度很大时,应用药防治。 Eteonus angulatus Drake et Mao is one of the important pests of paulownia. Adults and nymphs congregate on the back of older leaves to drink juice. Plant damage, poor growth. Four generations occur each year in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, with the adults hanging in the dead leaves and cobwebs under the bark, the bark, and the barks of the trees. The occurrence of each generation and the various stages of insects basically find out. Due to the longer life expectancy of adults, so from the end of April to late November, that Paulownia throughout the growing season, we can see a variety of insect states, but the occurrence of more in July-September, the most harmful. Adults and nymphs are prey on middle-aged paulownia trees aged from 4 to 15 years, with little or no damage to seedlings and old trees. Trees in the shade are harmed. Adults are not lively, with lethality. Egg and more scattered in the leaves of the petiole near the main vein and the first branch of the junction of the organization, covered with dark brown sticky secretions. Female eggs 5-16 each time spawning, fecundity 31-64. The worm is only known to distribute in Fujian and Jiangxi. In order to prevent its spread of expansion, quarantine should be strengthened; in the place of occurrence, in case of high density occurs, the application of drug prevention and control.
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褐带长卷叶蛾(Homona coffearia Nietner)是柑桔卷叶蛾类中,发生数量最多、最普遍的一种。其幼虫在柑桔上为害嫩叶、花、果,经常吐丝将数张叶片和果实缀合在一起,藏于其中进
白杨枯叶蛾Bhima idiota Graeser属鳞翅目、枯叶蛾科。文献记载此虫主要为害杨树,分布于东北。在我省雁北地区也普遍发生,为害较重。晋中地区亦有发生,但数量较少。1957年雁