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进入新世纪,福建本土企业“显性外移”和台资企业“隐性外移”现象出现加速趋势。一方面是,大批本土企业外迁。据福建省驻沪办测算,目前福建有近30万人在上海办厂做生意,仅2000年的工业总产值就已达150亿元;另一方面是,作为最早吸引台商投资的省份,福建在台商以资本与技术密集型产业为主导的新一轮投资大陆区域布局中被冷落。资料显示,上世纪90年代中期以来,台商对福建的投资占全部大陆投资的份额锐减,由1991年的32.13%下降到2000年的3.82%,9年间下降28个百分点。 企业外移直接暴露了福建区域竞争力不强、产业群聚效应缺失的现实窘境,同时将进一步导致福建产业结构升级乏力,产业结构低质化,不利于发展后劲的累积。对此,台湾台中世贸中心大陆经贸组专员李全忠认为,福建在多年招商中没有引来台湾的行业领导企业,而目前台湾 In the new century, the phenomenon of “explicit outward migration” of local enterprises in Fujian Province and “implicit outward migration” of Taiwan-funded enterprises has been accelerating. On the one hand, a large number of local enterprises relocated. According to Fujian Provincial Office for Shanghai Statistics, Fujian now has nearly 300,000 people who set up factories in Shanghai for business. In 2000, the total industrial output reached 15 billion yuan. On the other hand, as the first province to attract investment by Taiwanese businessmen, Fujian was left out in a new round of mainland investment in Taiwan dominated by capital and technology-intensive industries. Statistics show that since the mid-1990s, the share of Taiwanese investment in Fujian Province in total mainland investment dropped sharply, from 32.13% in 1991 to 3.82% in 2000, and dropped by 28% in nine years. The relocation of enterprises directly reveals the current dilemma of Fujian's weak regional competitiveness and the lack of industrial agglomeration. At the same time, it will further lead to the weak upgrading of Fujian's industrial structure, the low quality of the industrial structure and the accumulation of stamina. In response, Li Quanzhong, Commissioner of the Mainland Economic and Trade Commission of the Taichung World Trade Center in Taiwan, believes that Fujian has not attracted Taiwan's industry leaders for many years in investment promotion. At present, Taiwan
现在回想起母亲带我看戏的种种情景,忽然憬悟:观戏的最大意义和乐趣,是在人生中镶嵌进一些“美丽的停顿”。 Now I recall all the scenes that my mother took me to watch
中国最优秀的企业和世界一流企业的根本不同在于赚钱能力的不同。 The fundamental difference between China's best companies and world-class companies lies in their