转变思想观念 积极开拓进取 努力开创国税工作新局面

来源 :四川政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moovent_chrisx
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1995年是税务机构分设后投入实际运转的一年。我县的国税工作在县委、县政府和上级国税局的领导下,全体国税干部适应新的形势,转变思想观念,不断巩固和完善新税制,积极推进征管改革,大力开展税法宣传,全力组织税赋收入,圆满地完成了各项税收任务。全县“两税”(增值税、消费税)收入完成7026万元,比1994年增长12.49%,净增780.3万元,为平衡财政收支,支援地方经济建设作出了贡献。回顾1995年的税收征管工作,我们主要抓了以下几方面:一、坚持以组织收入为中心,强化税收征管,竭尽 1995 is the year when the tax authorities are put into operation after their separation. Under the leadership of county Party committee, county government and superior IRS, all state tax cadres have adapted themselves to the new situation, changed their thinking and concepts, continuously consolidated and improved the new tax system, and actively promoted the reform of collection and administration. They vigorously conducted publicity on tax laws and fully organized tax Fu income, successfully completed the various tax tasks. The county “two taxes ” (value added tax, consumption tax) revenue completed 70260000 yuan, an increase of 12.49% over 1994, a net increase of 7803000 yuan, to balance the financial revenue and expenditure, support local economic construction has made its contribution. Recalling the 1995 tax collection work, we mainly focus on the following aspects: First, adhere to the organization of revenue as the center, to strengthen tax administration, exhausted
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此文是省委常委、常务副省长王广宪在1995年底全省经济工作会议结束时讲话的一部分。 This article is part of the speech made by Wang Guangxian, standing member of th
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为了解本校初中生视力情况 ,现将 10年来学生视力监测资料进行分析 ,报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1 资料来源  1990 1998年初中学生视力监测资料。1.2 方法 视力检查 :采用